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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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17:7 here. True water only fasts. No black coffee even. During the week I’ll start on average at 9pm and can easily knock out the 17. Breaking it with tuna snack packs.

Main issue is weekends. Out with friends and drink wine and occasionally vodka. Those nights I won’t start my fast until let’s say midnight. I still complete the 17 hours by waiting until 4pm or a bit later to eat.

Progress is slower than I’d like and I acknowledge if I gave up alcohol completely or rich food when eating out I’d be moving a lot quicker but I also want to enjoy life a bit. Total loss is around 10 pounds to date.


I’m doing a 16-hour fast. Just drinking water when needed. I started right before 8 pm, so I should be able to break it by noon.

I just completed a 72-hour fast on Saturday afternoon.

My goal is to drop some weight. I want to be down to 170 lbs again. I’m currently at 182 lbs (lost 3.5 lbs during the 72-hour fast).


For lunch yesterday had another smashburger, 4oz of beef, ranch, spinach, and roasted garlic hummus. Also added on two slices of canadian bacon. Also had a side of roasted sweet potatoes. Everything was quite tasty.

Today plan to make cheeseburger quesadillas with the leftover meat, probably have hummus again with it and ranch for some dip. Maybe more sweet potatoes, see how I feel. :D

I think my leg is feeling a bit better today? I’m still going to rest it and do a slower walk starting tomorrow with a lot of stretching beforehand.


First ever fast.

15:20 hrs into 16 hr fast, with water+coffee. Doing it because I have been inspired by my wife’s success and wonder if it can help with my hypertension.I felt fine until 15hrs but now feeling quite ready to eat. I’m sure that you’ll all tell me this is totally normal!


44F/5’4”, SW: 148 lbs, CW: 146, GW: whatever - doing this for health

2MAD with occasional OMAD

Going to do OMAD today. It’s my brother’s birthday so will be eating party food, dessert etc. I do not restrict what I eat, but I do try to listen to my body. OMAD is tricky for me because I have a hard time eating a large enough meal, but in a party situation or a dinner out where you’re sitting/eating longer, it works for me. I can spread it out and digest more over a few hours.

Fitbit says it’s a rest day and I feel that… Restorative yoga it is!


I’m 27 hours into a 48 hour water fast. I’m feeling good, exercising a bit and resting. I’m doing it for weight loss, correction of insulin resistance, and autophagy. My larger goal is to work up to a 7 day water fast.


Another day of OMAD, been OMAD’ing since the 31st of march for anybody interested.

I’ll settle for a 1800 calorie meal tonight of home prepared pizza and ramen, I’m working away from home so the only cooking facilities I have is a kettle.


Week 6 Day 2

2MAD | Weight Lost: 25lbs

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday. Relaxing from exercise today. I’ll be prepping and cooking today as well. Looks like it’s going to be an OMAD day. Today’s menu: fruit smoothie, Asian vegetable pancakes w/ tamari lime sauce, and pickled cucumbers. I’ll also cut up the cantelope I have and eat that.

The weekend went by fast….☹️


I’m new to IF but have known what it is for some time. Anyway I’ve been doing it for about 23 days now and have lost 18-20 lbs. I started out doing 16/8 with coffee in the morning and have done warrior fast several days. I’m a letter carrier so I get some exercise on my route (mostly driving, but I get several thousand steps a day in from walking around the office and taking parcels to the door). I walk nine holes a couple times a week too and practice a couple more times a week, so lots of sweating and calorie burning. I feel better– my mental health, my joints, what I see in mirror– all improved.

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