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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Not worth it’s own post, just want to say I’m surprised how well this works. I already lost over 6kg and already got told I look like I lost weight. I wasn’t even fat, just a bit over where I wanted to be, you know? Only took me 2 months and now I think I look pretty good when I look in the mirror, although it was so easy it seems like I could keep going. Waistline went from 90cm to 83cm, I’m going to see how I look once I reach below 80cm and decide whether or not to continue this.

I tried extended fasts many times in the past and it always resulted in failure, or really, the results seemed pitiful in comparison to the difficulty. The beauty of an intermittent fast is that you can be lenient with yourself, give yourself a break, but still continue going without feeling like you “failed” and giving up. I think that’s been key. Be ruthless on yourself at your own peril.


> *Type of fast (Black Coffee & Water.)

I am still tracking CICO because I am not good at estimating calories or knowing truly if I have been in deficit. I track everything food and weight using my FitBit app and also use Fasting Tracker. I also wouldn’t be doing so well without this community, thank you.

Week 3, Fasting Tracker progress.


I past my goal of 120 hours. Currently at 128 and no appetite whatsoever. I could probably fast for another 2 days easy, but an important part of fasting is to also give my body the nutrients that it needs.

The weekend is here and I’m planning to break my fast tonight at dinner going out: will probably get something like a Korean style beef soup (no sugar usually) or pot roast with cooked vegetables so it’s more gentle on my digestion. Fridays and Saturdays are my social eating time.

After fasting for 5 days, I feel more motivated than I have in a while. I wake up without the alarm and just to want to get started doing stuff. Mental clarity is back!

I might have a bit of coffee with heavy cream before dinner since I’ve passed my goal.

Type water, tea, black coffee, lemon juice (for oxalate dumps) and LMNT

Context started Saturday night, ends Friday night

Length 120+ hours

Why? Gut rest, autophagy, mental clarity and vanity (slim)

Notes I really needed this 5 day break from digesting heavy foods. My gut was tortured after 1 month of no fasting. (Sorry for TMI but…) I had bowel movements everyday of this fast until day 4 even though I wasn’t eating anything! That was how backed up I was lol.

Edit: spoke to soon. No movement on day 4, but had another one today, which is day 5! Lol, guess some stuff really does take a long to get through that gut.

After my fast, I plan on following an OMAD pattern with at least one 42 hour fast per week.

Happy fasting, everyone ❤


M29 6’2 SW 325 CW 312 GW 190 18:6

I’ve got a long way to go but here is what I’ve noticed so far.

Since starting last month haven’t stopped to get my normal breakfast (usually two breakfast sandwiches and a large hash browns at one of the hundred fast food places on my drive to work) or any breakfast which was if not an addiction a very bad habit that fasting had made super easy to break. I’ve also noticed getting around is a bit easier and I have more energy. On top of that my resting heart rate is more often in a normal range instead of being elevated constantly.

I am still working on eating better during my 6 hour window but progress is progress.


For my fellow weightlifters in this sub, have you struggled to lose weight while fasting and taking creatine? I have been fasting now for about a month and I usually have a protein shake with creatine after my workout. I’ve only dropped about 3-4 pounds. I do track my calories, I make sure to get at least 10,000 steps a day, and I am in the gym around 4-5 days a week.

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Categories: extended fast intermittent coffee weight loss keto calories deficit fasting tracker dinner beef sugar digest tea omad bad habit energy heart struggle lose weight