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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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33f / SW: 220 / CW: 214 // 20:4 working into OMAD here

Yesterday the life was very hard so we had some ice cream… but inside my eating window! I’m surprised that I was not crushed as I once would have been while eating whenever and trying to cut. I think the effect the 20:4 fasting has on me mentally is scores better than suffering throughout the day trying to count every little thing. Food addiction is very real and so is calorie counting and beratement.

Aside from the ice cream, I’ve been on OMAD for about two weeks total now and losing slowly even though I can’t exercise (hand stitches) and have been including (healthy) carbs. I’m excited for total healed status at the end of this month and really having my full range of living back. I’m proud of myself for staying within my original plan even though I ate more than one meal. It helps\~!


Had my first piece of cake yesterday since starting IF in late 2021 and felt so dirty, LOL. It was a good reminder that I’m doing this process most of the time so that I’ll be able to indulge during special events. I continue to make good progress even if I’ve stalled my ketosis for a bit. It’s healthy to have a balance.


Hello fellow fasters!

I hold myself to an eighteen: six schedule and fast all of Sundays. I started in late November and have been mostly consistent with my window. When I first started I was at sixteen: eight but that was almost always a seventeen because of my work schedule.

Start weight was about 280 lbs and I’m down to 242 as of today! I want to get down to 140 eventually.

I put a stop my slight addiction of two energy drinks a day and make an effort to drink more water. I was already a vegetarian. I was given the official diagnosis of type 2 so I’m also trying to avoid carbs. Haha not doing do great with that part. Bread is Life.

A big part of my goal is weight loss. My focus is more set on improving my insulin resistance and getting a better overall health while letting weight loss be an added bonus.

I finally bought a home scale a few days ago and was honestly dreading turning it on. I felt so certain that I was gaining weight. But I gave in today and I’m still right on track. That really encouraged me.

Can’t wait for collar bones again!

Will taking my psych meds effect my fasting?


Starting to feel a bit discouraged because I’m not seeing results but I also know I am having a tough time with what to eat during my eating window. I might be eating my normal amount of calories just shoved into 6-8 hours. I also had brownies yesterday because I had such a strong sugar craving…and I was also feeling down.

This always happens with me - I tend to get a bad attitude/discouraged when I feel like I am restricting myself, but that is the only way to lose weight! By the time my eating window rolls around I feel so hungry and “free” that I think I am going overboard.

Advice? Just suck it up buttercup? I realize that’s probably the answer…will-power and all that. I am also an emotional eater and there is a LOT happening right now with family stuff so it’s really not helping.

Thanks for listening. Been a rough couple of days.


Has anyone done 16:8 fasting without a calorie deficit or keto? Did you see any results (weight related or not)?

I’m on day 4 of consistent 16:8 fasting (I had been doing it more sporadically before). I’m looking to lose weight but also hoping to reduce inflammation and improve blood sugars. I also want to start more gradually as far as dietary changes- I’m reducing carbs and working on portion control but I’m probably not at a deficit yet so wondering if I should expect to see any changes or not.


Water fast, OMAD, into my 20rh hour. Trying to lose my COVID weight gain and for enhanced brain function.

Well, I’m new and it’s day 2. I am starving! Okay, my butt has plenty of stored fat and no I’m not starving, but I am very hungry. Which is too bad for me.

It’s all in my head and I can do this

Repeat as needed, and stay out of the kitchen.


Day 2 of IF, second 20:4 fast. Fasted from 10pm yesterday until 6pm today. So far I’ve eaten 1000 of my calories, debating how I want to use the other 200 with an hour and ten mins left. Still missing milk in my coffee. Tomorrow I’m going to aim for introducing a Huel shake to make it easier to hit all my nutrients.


Water, CW:247, GW: 220-200, 16/8,

Its going well, but I need to find time to work out. I find that helps me manage my appetite. Keeps me from eating what ever is in front of me when I break my fast. I had waffles for lunch/breakfast and I know that will hamper my results and make me feel sluggish for the rest of the day.


I just did 3 24hr fasts in a row while only consuming 25-30% of my daily calorie intake followed by a 40hr water only fast which I broke with maybe 300 calories if you’re lucky. I’m now about to hit a 24hr fast again I haven’t broke yet and I’m not very hungry at all.

I’ve shed a few kilos in the last 7 days but I know once I start consuming some real meals again I will come back to reality a bit.

The malnutrition is really having some side effects. I honestly feel like shit, my heart rate is elevated, my sleep is woeful and restless, anxious as hell. Most of all though, my sex drive feels completely sunk like even if I try to get aroused I’m just dead inside and can’t get full mast. Never had this issue before, I’m only a 30yr old man.

Obviously what I’m doing is horrendously bad for me at the moment even though I look way better.

Edit: Just did some recon and saw a lot of people on longer fasting cycles deal with this. I don’t know the reasons behind it but somebody proclaimed caloric restrictions and your fat stores estrogen so when it’s used as fuel, your level can get out of balance. Not sure on the truth of it but either way, this sucks.


Hello Fasters:

Here’s my regimen:

Been at it for 6+ months. Switched to 36 hour/week but found 2 x 36+ hours/week suits me better. Have been doing IF (18:6/20:4) since April 2019 but switched to prolonged fasting as I found it easier to mesh in my life and I felt better.

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Categories: omad eating window carbs ketosis energy weight loss courage calories sugar lose weight deficit keto blood sugar water fast weight gain coffee lunch sluggish nutrition shit heart sleep tea prolonged fasting