| | Water Fasting

Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Type: Water and coffee

Context: Started yesterday, trying to see how this works.

Length: 16:8, last calories were 20:15 finishing 0.0 beer), so eating again at 12:15

Why: Weight loss

Notes: Salt in coffee tastes weird, but helps :-)first day was easier than expected 😊


6 days, no internet at home still. Going into office has been annoying, but highlight I have been approved to do overtime, and I got some credit card bills so gonna hit that hard when I can lol. As soon as I have internet at home, gonna be able to get more hours in that way.

Had a weird “whoosh” this morning for my weight, which is exciting. I won’t be able to post my breakdown yet until I have internet at home, but I will update my flair later on tonight. But I did clock in at 254lbs this morning, so 36 pound total loss since start of June, very pleased with that. And I made it past my projected goal of 256.


Just checking in for the first time in a while

I’ve been on holiday in another country since 23.08.22 hence why I’ve not been checking in.

I’ve stuck to 2MAD on most days with 1 or 2 days of OMAD, I’m pretty sure I’ll be coming back lighter than I was when I left.

I’ll be back to regularly OMADing when I return on 02.09.22


Day3 of Week19, IF, 18/6

SW: 104kg/229lbs; CW: 89kg/196lbs; GW: 85kg/187lbs

Still up another 0,2kg. Today is 90.0kg from the 89,8kg of yesterday.

Yesterday ended up having a schedule change so I had to grab some grilled chicken breasts and stir-fried green beans instead of the planned tzatziki salad. (the only options on the menu that wasn’t almost purely carbs)

The issue with beans is that they are also heavy on carbs and so the uptick on the scale continued with further water retention.

Thankfully today is a 24h full fast,followed with an OMAD breakfast tomorrow morning and then diving into the weekly 48h fast.

I can safely say, it feels like a relief when I don’t have to worry about planning out the next meal and worry about last minute schedule changes that can mess up the meal plans.

Sleep was horrid, but thanks to the rain yesterday there is a tiny bit less pollen in the air and my vision is very thankful for small miracles like that.

It is MIDWEEK, folk! Just a little push and we’ll be heading toward the weekend! ;)


Type: water

context: restart of fasting after an amazing 4 months straight of 18:6

length: 18:6 every day (no cheat day)

why: i really to lose weight as i am currently weighing 330 pounds and must get my weight in check before i start getting health problems.

notes: in hindsight i should have never stopped for our two weeks vacation. this messed me up and i have not been able to get back to it since.


Week 11 Day2

SW: 213Last Weigh-in: 194.8 (Every Sat Morning)GW: To stay under 200 into Sept and then on to 185.

Decided on a 18:6 yesterday instead of OMAD. ADF+OMAD is great for really fast weight loss but changing the schedule a little leaves for gains. I was carb conscious even though I didn’t count them too, too well. Will use My Fitness Pal on Thursday and do solid tracking to compare. I slept an entire night through, I wonder if that’s coincidental? Probably not as my last meal ended at 4:30 instead of 12:00 and I was fuller.

Decided I’m going to work a few machines at the gym and get the process slowly started today. I can lose weight but it won’t do a lot to change the looseness around my stomach and legs. I can visibly see I’ve shrank and I want to make moves to start tightening the softness everywhere.

Understandably, this would affect weekly weigh ins from muscle strain/gains but in the long run I’ll still lose and feel better about myself.

Work starts the 12th and will have to include gym time after shifts. By then I’d be looking at 4-5x a week, hopefully.

It’s Wednesday my dudes! Have a happy one.

EDIT: A post brought an interesting point to my attention: muscle recovery. Not eating after doing any kind of strength training will prolong muscle recovery. Maybe today I’ll just do cardio, or take a break even, and save the weight machine times for a food day. Thoughts?


Type: water, coffeeOMAD (dirty OMAD as I still have two cups of coffee with a little milk)

I started a week and a bit ago. Weight lossIt’s going very well, surprised at how easy it is to only have to think of a single meal each day!


Type of fast: water and coffee

Context of fast: daily fast from early supper to lunch

Length of fast: 16-18h daily

Why? Controlling my casual mindless snacking during the evenings and eliminating carb and sugar heavy breakfast foods

Notes: I’ve been doing this casually for about a year and a half but only seriously started keeping track about 5 months ago. I used to snack on chips and popcorn in the evenings, drink beer a few evenings a week, pile down a bagel and cream cheese first thing in the morning, as well as cream in my coffee and graze snacking all day. I didn’t have a poor relationship with food to begin with but I find I’m eating things more with intention now rather than just eating to eat.

I also don’t calorie count, which has always been my detriment to maintaining a healthy weight. I am not good with restrictive diets either as I just crave the things I “can’t have”. Now I don’t need to. I am a lot more in tune with my body, I eat when I’m hungry rather than out of habit and doing this has made me more appreciative of the times I pause and enjoy late night drinks, parties with snacks, or a big brunch!


Gosh, it feels good to use this thread as a place to vent.

Day two of OMAD. I ate 9 hours ago, but had to have an apple about 4 hours ago to blunt a very hardcore medication I must take (I know this doesn’t achieve ketosis, but I am ok with this). I am hungry. Very hungry. Sipping peppermint tea to try to feel better.

Trying to lose weight. Trying to cling to my reasons for doing this— better health, better access to fashion, more confidence dating, etc…


First check in.


Height 6’2”

SW 230

CW 230

GW 200

TYPE:Have been doing the 16:8 for 4 days.I do have a monster rehab in the morning or coffee. The rehab has fewer carbs than creamer, I can’t do black coffee.Other than that Gatorade Zero

CONTEXT: Only eat from 5:00pm until 1:00am

LENGTH: Day 4 of 16:8

WHY: I’m getting old and fat… I can fix one of the 2 😉

NOTES: I got my hopes up reading the scale. Apparently, my natural variability is more than I expected. I’ll still keep an eye on it, and I understand many could lose confidence watching a scale, but I will stick with it.So far, no loss.


34 F | 5’3” | SW: 205lbs | CW: 199lbs | GW: 160lbs Mostly 18:6, trying some OMAD

Day 14!

Did my first 24 hr fast/OMAD yesterday (had dinner on Monday then didn’t eat until dinner again Tuesday) it wasn’t as hard as i thought it would be but the last few hours my brain was just sooooo distracted, I would start one thing then hop to a different task, then another, then another, i just couldn’t focus on one thing. I thought about food a lot, not because i was hungry but i think just because of the habit of it, and the routine of “i do this, then i eat, then i do this and this, then i eat” and my brain was left being like “ahhhh what do we do now?!” Anyone else experience something like this? Does it pass? Hoping to do OMAD again today!


Type: Water and yerba mate

Context: Started in June 17th 2022 after going from 176lbs to 138lbs 2 years ago doing keto but loss too much muscle in the process and got back to 174lbs.

Length: 23:1 for June and July and now last 30days been on 48:1 OMAD.

Why: Fat loss and muscle grow, plus the energy I get is amazing.

Notes: This time around learned my lesson, always hitting my weight X 1.5g of protein this is the main macro I track. Sugar free electrolytes (0 calories) really helps a lot. Started at 178lbs bak in June and currently at 156lbs. Body fat when from 28.7% to 23.9%. Doing Apple fitness 6 days a week with 500 daily calories deficit as my goal.


M37; SW: 189lbs CW: 189lbs GW: 180lbs

Type: water and black coffeeContext: Started fast at 8:15 pmLength: 16:8; ending at 12:15 pm or later..Why: Air Force requirement for my height is 185lb to get appt w MEPS where my max weight to enlist is 191lbs.


Type: 40:8Context: I am only on my 4th fastLength: 40 hrsWhy: Wasn’t sleeping due to DM apparently. I’m too fat as well. Notes: This quickly killed my hunger. EF I stay pretty hungry. Keto: always hungry, didn’t lose any weight.

To sleep the best I eat from waking till 2-3. Then my BG is decent by bed time. Ketones have gotten up to 2.7 which never happens unless more than 72hrs fasting. So I’m excited. BG is way lower (from 134->111 24hr avg today). Weight down 7 lbs. I was fasting and doing keto when i started, so that is a pretty good read I think. Not too much water weight. Not bad for 8 days.


It’s a day later where I live so checking in.

I last ate 16 hours ago. Trying to go for about 21 hours, when my friends come over for dinner. I am making us anchovy veggie pizza from scratch and salad.

I was trying OMAD, but got diagnosed with a neurological disorder and now am supposed to take meds 2x a day with food. Today, I tried the meds without the food (they also gave me a med meant to protect my stomach) and I feel fine. I had black coffee earlier and lots of water.

Me hungry right now. My stomach go rumbley rumbley. I ignore it.

I want to lose around 40 lbs or more.

No insights. Just coming here to rant about my hunger pangs is enough. Roaaaar. But you know what? I have IBS and hey, can’t be sh*tting my brains out if there’s no food to eat :D

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