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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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Currently 16 hrs into an 18hr fast but I’m considering stretching to 20 or beyond today.

Im drinking black coffee and water With an opportunity for a herbal tea too if I fancy.

I picked up a can of Tenzing to try if I get a bit antsy but I’m hoping I don’t.

I’d like to go as far as I can but I don’t know if today is the right day to try for the whole hog.

If I got past 20 I’d probably want to carry on until lunch time tomorrow so that I don’t mess up my pattern of 18:6 for the rest of the week.I know I don’t have to and I can adjust to 16:8 and then back again but equally I’m really enjoying the accomplished feeling I get knowing I’m consistently achieving at least 18:6 days.

I’m 13 days into my IT lifestyle now and really loving it, I’ve got more energy and I don’t feel so enslaved to food which frees up a lot of brain space!


I recently decided that Sundays are all day fast days. I’m at around 37 hours right now and to keep with my schedule won’t start eating until this afternoon.

I water fast and sometimes add black coffee.

This is the longest fast I’ve done so far and I feel like my tummy is ANGRY! My poos are really runny and come quick after I drink my water. Is that normal?

Started in late November and have gone pretty strong since. I only hold myself to a 16:8 but I’ve upped recently to 20:4 that I’ve been able to manage without to much difficulty. I’m trying to start meal prepping to make sure I’m not last minute snacking and getting all the things I need in that window.


I’ve just started fasting since the last 2 days. I’m starting with 13 hour fast and hope to extend it to 16:8. I have hypothyroidism, and I have my HB1AC pre diabetic recently. So my aim is to get my metabolism working properly.

I do have a question to anyone reading however. Can I take my thyroid medicine during the fasting window? Would it hamper the fast?


aye, time to get back into it. Summer is coming and I wanna go fast on a bike. I am 210 now. Hoping to get to around 200 and keep the muscle I ahve put on during bulking past 4 months. Last year I got down to 185, but I was shivering so much by the end of august I had to gain some back just to deal with winter.

Fwiw, I was 285 on new years 2019 when I started to diet and excercise again.

16:8 noon to 8 pm.


Yet another go at intermittent fasting. Coffee, tea, water, club soda and maybe pickle juice. Maybe a Diet Pepsi if needed. This has been such a struggle lately!

I’m trying to go for 23 or 24 hours in an attempt to lower my blood glucose (Type II) and reduce body fat (at least 20-30 pounds). But I have not been doing well lately.

16/8 does not do anything. I mean I don’t drop weight and my blood sugar stays high. 18/6 is also ineffective. I need to get to at least 20/4 or better yet, OMAD.

I eat chicken, fish and veggies. No rice or potatoes or pasta. Every so often I’ll have a piece of Carbonaut low carb bread but not every day.

This morning I talked to myself out loud, sort of a pep talk. I last ate around 6:30 p.m. yesterday and it’s now mid-day. I really hope I can make it today!


Currently 26hrs into a 4 day fast I typically do 4:3 fasting or 36:12 it’s going great so far! I feel great I do have a family I cook for so I’m surprised I’m not more hungry but I feel just fine so far


16:8, now in my eating window day 1. Just trying another thing to lose weight, again. Gotta keep finding the winds of inspiration! I hope to break into the 190s & on down and lose weight before my 34th birthday in May. It was surprisingly easy! I think my sweet spot will be around 5:30-9:30a.m. And this time around, my plan is to keep it very consistent.


2 hours until I finish my first 24h fast. Last week I started with 18:6 for the week ending on Friday at 12 then restarting the week with a 24h fast from Sunday night til tonight. Started the morning with one black coffee and only water. I am fasting for weight loss. I gained a lot breastfeeding (currently weigh mor than I did while I was pregnant). The breastfeeding really made me hungry all the time.


Dry OMAD Keto Day 2.

It is not hard for the body i guess, but quite hard for my mental. Had a big mental breakdown last night, not because im hungry,more like a mid-life crisis. How to eat is one aspect, how to live, how to improve the mind status should be also well taken care of.

I need loooooooooooooooots of hope and support!!


16:8, day 2. Focusing on weight loss. Weighed 240 lbs when I started, hoping to eventually get below 200. Eating window is between 1-9pm, which is fine on work days, as I break the fast with a protein bar, and don’t get home to cook until 5. Just learned that I’m unintentionally breaking my fast with creamer in my coffee, so debating whether to wean off it gradually or cut it cold turkey. The real challenge will be when I have off days while fasting, but I’ll cross that bridge when I get there.

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Categories: coffee tea lunch energy water fast longest fast snack hypothyroid thyroid muscle intermittent fasting soda struggle blood glucose body fat blood sugar omad chicken fish low carb morning 4 day fast eating window lose weight fasting for weight loss keto weight loss