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Daily Fasting Check-in!

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I started 4 weeks ago.

Only eat dinner on weekdays, and maybe a protein snack after dinner, so 21 & 3.

My weekends are “free” but keep to two meals a day.

I want to lose 30 lbs, and so far have lost 8!

I am slowly increasing my exercise, and ran 5K a couple days ago and walked 4 miles today. Plan is for HIIT 3x a week and run 2+ miles 3x a week.


Started two weeks ago. Doing 17/7. Been upping my exercise and am doing a couch to 10 for june. So far i have lost 3 pounds. Focusing also on reducing this stomach fat i gained during the pandemic (worked on the front lines thoughout the pandemic and junk food was my only solace) next week is going to be a challenge as i have a day out on Saturday for valentines day. So my plan is to cut my unhealthy snacks and diet coke from my eating period in preparation.


Anyone care to share their experience getting the covid booster while intermittent fasting?

I’m booked to get mine today however I’m wondering what to expect (if anything). Maybe I ought to have a more normal day? I’m currently doing OMAD for weight loss.


I just finished a 132 hour fast and the last couple of days were borderline unbearable. Here’s some context:

Is this normal? Is there something I should consider doing differently next time? I’m glad I did this but I can’t imagine attempting another fast over 100 hours unless I can mitigate some of these negative effects.


I had let myself eat my feelings the last 2 years and just got sick of it. I’m 26 years old.

I started at 91 kilograms and I am now 84.8 kilograms. That’s 6.2kilograms (13.6 pounds) lost in 6 weeks.


Started 30days ago… quasai nothing Mon-Wed( maybe a couple of crackers or pieces of leftover chicken breast ), thurs fri salads, cheese, meat… lots of coffee, cream and splenda… drink diet pop. Odd nuts, bone brooth… no food past 730pm

Sat and Sunday suppers are more protein .. beer

Work out 45minutes morning and night.

Down 22lbs…. fast weight lose I’ve ever had and lowest weight I’ve had in almost 20years…

Still can’t believe results so easy and fast.


I read on this sub awhile back that people were noticing the fat distribution on their bodies changing with intermittent fasting, even if their weight wasn’t changing much.

Is anyone else noticing this? I’m wondering if this is due to our bodies first burning fat in certain areas (thighs, stomach, etc) before moving on to other sections.


Day 5 omad. Not too bad. Messed up my second day and didn’t eat enough for my dinner. Woke up 5 hours later already pretty hungry.

Cooking breakfast and lunch for kiddo is not as bad as I thought it would be but it is a bit anticlimactic. I enjoy meals, all meals, so I am getting a back log of what I want to eat. I have my meal plan set for the next two weeks already.

Down 7lb so far. Seems fast but feeling fine. Any thoughts on how fast is too fast? Not counting calories, just eating until satisfied being careful Im getting protein for a longer satisfied feeling.


I decided to count calories today out of curiosity, overestimating at 1425. And I feel stuffed! This morning I definitely was hungry before my eating window but was able to crush it by drinking water. My meal and snack this time were very filling so hopefully things will be better tomorrow plus less bloat.

As far as my hormonal issues, I’ve had no more breast pains or headaches.



I’ve started IF on Jan31. Starting weight 96.4kg for 5ft10in. Also been doing mild daily workouts.

Weight this morning 90.0kg, 14lbs down.

My final goal is 81kg, but my next mini goal is 86.4kg.

I do 21: 3 and cut down the sweets. I haven’t begun counting calories yet. I only have water (3 litres per day) and herbal tea during the fast.

I am quite impressed with the results so far

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