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Damn today was hard..I feel terrible..over ate..ugh..

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I find it helpful to wallow in the ugh…and recall the ‘stuffed’ feeling leading into festivities. Helps me approach a festive meal with less abandon (more thoughtful portion and/or carb management and opting to drink a glass of water or wait 15 minutes before going in for any seconds). My family eats dinner then goes for a walk before coffee/dessert is served which is also helpful for checking in with yourself to see if you really want dessert or just what my grandma called a sugar cube (tasting slice).


I told my self before the festivities it was OK to eat anything I wanted as long as I stuck to my eating window. It was nice to have no guilt.

It was also a great learning opportunity because I had no idea how bad I was going to feel physically. I’ll be more aware going forward and be more selective with what and how much I eat.


Do you feel terrible because of the fact that you over ate or do you feel terrible because your body is uncomfortable because you over ate? If the former, you’re suffering is self-inflicted Life happens and holidays happen. Give yourself permission to relax your usual standards on occasion. If the latter, live and learn!

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