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Dangerous to do rolling fasts for long time?

I’ve been really enjoying fasts. I’ve been struggling with eating habits for a long while, and my last few fasts have been great in that I can just…. Stop obsessing about food for a while. I don’t have to make any decisions about whether or what I’m going to eat, I’m just not going to eat that day. I’ve had a really awful semester and I’m thinking of fasting over the long holidays. I’m wanting to get down to a healthy weight and start exercising again, so I want to do rolling fasts over this period.

I have a few social commitments to keep up with that are unfortunately food based, but otherwise I just want to be fasting until I hit a healthy weight again. I was thinking of fasting for the weekdays, then breaking my fast over the weekend- broth, a snack, then whatever meal with friends, then back fasting again. I’m getting my electrolytes in everyday (2 tsp of LiteSalt, 1 tsp Iodised Salt, 1 magnesium tablet and multivitamin).

I also want to do a bit of daily exercise- its a bit weird but, I feel way better exercising in a fasted state. I don’t expect to build muscle, but I’m worried about heart muscle being canabalized. I’m really unfit now, so any level of exercise will be more than I usually do.

Am I at a big risk for refeeding syndrome if I carry on this way for a few months? And will my muscles be able to repair themselves in a fasted state?

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I’ve refed on everything from bland rice and broth to pizza and beer. Loose stool happens for a day every time regardless of how I go about it but nothing more. Day on day off are protocols that reduce caloric intake, but you do not burn through all glycogen until you pass 72 hours. I think it’s an excellent way to gain control over food. I would recommend lab work to ensure you do not have any underlying issues.

Anecdotal only from personal experience, your muscles will recover slower with reduced calories. This means longer periods of soreness and increased chance of strains.


How long are your rolling fasts? I’ve been on 48s this past week and it’s been a struggle despite being used to omad. Final 24 hours I’d be too weak to exercise so much that I feel going back to omad and just upping the workouts would better.

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