| | Water Fasting

Day 16 of a 30-day fast and I somehow gained 2 lbs - someone help before I smash something

I am doing a dirty fast as it’s my first time going this long. For me, this means I am having bone broth and the occasional scoop of collagen (maybe once a week). A couple days ago, I had a scoop of collagen and some broth, weighed myself the next day and the scale said I’d gained 4 lbs. Today, I’m still up 2 lbs. Should I just assume the collagen spiked my blood sugar and caused a storage of glycogen and, therefore, water? Otherwise this makes NO sense to me and I’m about to tear my hair out.

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I have a hard time drinking electrolytes, and have experimented pairing them with lemon juice, La croix, Spindrift and 5 calorie bouillon cubes. I assumed there would be little difference, but my weight goes up, even on a multi day fast, when I use the bouillon. I’d guess it’s water and salt retention 🤷🏻‍♀️


It is literally impossible that you will have added back two pounds of fat that you genuinely lost without eating thousands upon thousands of calories in excess of your TDEE. No matter what else happens, remember that.

So, the explanation could be water retention. Maybe you were particularly dehydrated when taking a previous measurement. Maybe the scale shifted slightly on an uneven floor and it’s mildly affecting the reading.

But again, it’s not fat that you had lost and then somehow regained, because that’s impossible.


Water retention most likely, the female body is different! We go in cycles of gaining water weight, hormone stuff, and other stuff! You are good! On long fast my body fat percentage goes up then it comes back down. Stay with it!


there are 3,500 calories in 1 pound fat. typically during each day you fast, you use up 1,300 - 1,800 calories in your own fat. in other words, you average about 1/2 lb lost per entire day you skip eating.

there are 24 calories in one regular glass of bone broth (no fat on top). there are about the same calories in a scoop of collagen. imagine how many servings it will take to gain 1 lb fat.

you are storing water.


When I water fast I exercise a lot and usually lose over 20 pounds in the first seven days. I have been fasting for over 50 years and am currently 72 years old. I try to fast during the course of a year my age so this year I have fasted at least 72 days. I am nearing 73 years. The older you get the more important it is to fast especially if you want your little red rooster crowing in the morning. Joy comes in the morning.

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