| | Water Fasting

Day 3: extremely weak

I woke up extremely physically weak & dizzy I’m sure this is normal but wondering if anyone else experienced this? when does it get better? I have to take a physical Thursday (day 5) for the Air Force and have to lift a certain amount of weight & hoping I’ll have energy by then so I can do it. Any advice? Should I break the fast to get energy I need? I really DO NOT want to break it but this is my future and I’ll have to do what I have to do.

UPDATE: So far I’ve lost 9 lbs in just 3 days! Very amazed with this even though majority is water weight. I’ve come this far and have never made it to day 4 (I’ve done 3 and a half water fasts about 3 times now) so I think I’m gonna continue. What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger right!

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Sharing my own experience.. I have tried waterfasting a few times each aiming for 5 days and found that they were different in terms of energy and cravings. I’m 40F and my weight is ok in my opinion: 58k for 164 cms and i do it to lose a couple of kilos usually and to detox or when i feel I’ve been having too much sugar. Usually first two days are smooth sailing, but the third differs. Sometimes i find it takes a long time to beat the sluggish feeling on waking up. After drinking water, mixed with salt and acv and moving around it gets better. Fourth and fifth days are usually a struggle. I get tired a lot and need to rest. So i try to stay away from anything that needs mental or physical effort. The way i see the while fasting concept these days is that I should integrate it in my lifestyle but I also realize that for important tasks that require energy i would break the fast. I would rather plan the fasting around the important appointments. If I were you, and especially since you don’t know what to expect, I would break the fast just to be the best I can be for my thing. Good luck whatever you decide!

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Categories: weak energy water fast sugar sluggish struggle