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Day 3 of 5-day Dry Fast

Hey everyone, I’m celebrating getting to day 3 of my planned 5-day dry fast. Woohoo! It’s my first time fasting longer than 1 day dry and 2 days wet. I’m planning to follow it up with another 6 days around 3 weeks from now within the time frame that Dr Filonov suggests here.

I look forward to it. The experience isn’t as difficult as I imagined. My mind does every now and then show images of food or little dreams of me enjoying food which I find funny, so I have a laugh then move my attention to something else.

My hope is to eventually heal two autoimmune diseases- ulcerative colitis and rheumatoid arthritis. My symptoms are lessened at this stage in the fast. I am currently taking Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis (it seems it’s yet to kick in as I’ve been taking it two months and it hasn’t lessened my symptoms) and I do wonder if this immunosuppressant interferes with the healing process in fasting.

They’re all my thoughts for now. If you’re fasting too as you read this… congratulations! Keep it up!

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Have you looked into Humira instead of methotrexate?

good job on your 3 days so far. that’s an excellent accomplishment. I hope you make it to your goal, but remember to not push yourself if you start feeling poorly.

I don’t mind the food daydreams so much. I find that if I think about food, often times I enjoy thinking about it more than eating it. Over time this helps me understand that I can skip eating when I’m fasting. Or skip the spontaneous food cravings because the craving is more enjoyable than maybe 10 minutes of hoovering bad food and then maybe not feeling so great afterward.


You are on a good path. Best wishes/luck on your journey.

Yes! Immunosuppressants will affect your immune systems capabilities to do proper autophagy as you need it to kill bad cells and in fact Dr Filonov mentions it that you need one fast to detox your body then next to heal your suppressed immune system and third one to actually cure the disease. They all don’t have to be supper long. First one can be 5 days then next one can be 7 and last one needs to be 9+ days. There should not be too much gap between them, 2-3 week feeding window is adequate.

I have psoriatic arthritis and I stopped my Enbrel and Sulfasalazine 3 months ago after taking them for 8 months or so. I did feel better on those meds but honestly dry fasting is way more superior. I have water fasted 5-7 days few times and now dray fasted twice for 6 days. Now working on my curative 11 day fast. My symptoms are 90% cured without any meds since November 2021. I truly believe in what Filonov says even though my doctors thinks I am nuts but they can’t explain my improvements either and are puzzled.


Not everything is an ideal job for dry fasting, I have heard distilled water is great for correcting arthritis, specifically a gallon a day. I suspect dry fasting can work too as it works for everything, but sometimes there’s an easier way. Anything to do with rocks/minerals/inorganic matter obstructing the body or joints etc is a job more easily handled by distilled water, some would definitely argue.

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