| | Water Fasting

Day 3 of my 4 day fast, feeling good!

First fast ever, I picked 4 days which I felt it was long enough to feel the gamut of fasting. There is also no point of being stubborn if you don’t put it to a good use; once I started I knew I would come out the other end.

I’m finally feeling really good! Yesterday it was very annoying; the hunger wasn’t bad but I kept getting pinged by cravings to eat. It was like I kept forgetting that I was fasting and my brain would jump in with a “oh! let’s go get a snack!”. Today that shadow of hunger seems to have faded so I’m not getting as triggered. The day is young so we’ll see; day 3 ends at 8pm, the fast ends at 8pm tomorrow.

Moving forward I may stick to one day fasts (36 hours, last meal 8pm, no eat the next day, breaking fast at 8am the day after). I figure if the pre fast day I stick to no carb meals and do cardio to deplete the body of sugars that it would work as good as a longer fast.

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Great job sticking with it!! I think your plan moving forward is solid and sustainable.

The second to last night before i plan to break my fast, i ALWAYS have food dreams 🤣. Doesn’t matter if it’s the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th night (longest I’ve gone), if my brain knows I’m breaking the fast the day after next, itGives me the food dreams. Not the last night, the second to last night, as if to trick me into believing i ate…and will therefore wake up and eat. It’s wild 🤣.

You’re doing awesome, just hang in there!!

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Categories: 4 day fast snack breaking fast cardio sugar