| | Water Fasting

Day 7 of water fast and I'm still miserable

So I went into this fast from a no to very low carb diet. I’ve been getting plenty of salt since day one but just started some potassium and magnesium yesterday(day6). Hungers not that bad but I just feel well…shitty.. went bowling to distract myself and my body wasn’t happy about it. My heart rate elevated, I wouldn’t say it was beating fast or anything, but definitely higher than is warranted while bowling lol. I go through periods so far where I just want silence. Hearing dialog becomes like nails on a chalkboard and no matter the subject I’m just very uninterested. No change in smell that I’ve noticed. I seem to get fed up with my own ego rather quickly. Like an awareness of my own knee jerk bullcrap ego reaction to life situations. Anyways I digress. I’m hoping the potassium and magnesium will kick in and level me out and I’ll get that “fasting high” soon because, well because I just plain ole don’t feel good. Im doing this for spiritual and health reasons so just putting this out there. If anybody is willing to pray for breakthrough during this time I’d appreciate it. If not it’s all good.

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Hopefully the electrolytes will help. That being said, Unless you have a lot of weight to lose at 7 days you’ve probably maxed health benefits without risking muscle yet. I can’t speak to the spiritual ones but there’s nothing wrong with ending now. 7 days is amazing discipline and maybe the benefit will be retrospective in understanding your ability to put mind over matter.

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