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Definition of a Reddit Worthy Fast

Alright, guys and gals. I am kinda tired of the “ will this ruin my fast” question that gets asked every so often. Then it gets answered by the “ well it depends on what you believe”. I think we need a definite number of calories for a “reddit-worthy” fast. A fast you can brag about on reddit.

Under 50 calories/ day is what it think is a reddit worthy fast. As on you can come on this thread and say “ hi everybody, look at this fast I did”. Why 50 calories. So teas, black coffee, seaweeds and low or no sugar drinks recieve a pass but are still restricted. 50 calories is not going to affect ketosis and whatnot.

Anything beyond my abratary number ( we can argue about the details below) is not considered “reddit worthy”. As in you can’t post and say you fasted.

Now I personally do my own “fast” but mine are floating around 200-300 calories (so really 23.75/.25 IF) so I can include a protein shake to maximize my workouts. But, i wont post on reddit and say i fasted for a week or so. Because I know posting extended fast makes others want to actually do it or think its easy.

Also, there is no shame in doing sub 500 calories a day, hell even those on r/1500isplenty get great results. Fasting os just the most effective and fastest way to slim a few pounds. I just want to put a line in the sand about what costitutes a fast.

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Seems like you want to unnecessarily gatekeep the definition of fasting based on arbitrary criteria just to prevent other people from celebrating their own personal successes.

I do extended, 10+ day, water fasts with literally zero calories. Who am I to say that the experience of someone celebrating their completion of a 48hr fast while sipping broth the whole time is any less valid?

Sure, maybe people could be more clear when posting about their fasts, more details, calories consumed, eating windows, etc. But I don’t see any reason why they can’t get to brag about personal milestones. That is what this sub is for, uplifting one another in our personal journeys and celebrating our successes together.


I believe that trying to put a one size fits all on fasting is detrimental to fasting goals because it truly does depend on what each individual wants and needs from a fast. It depends how strict you want to be, it depends if your motives are weight loss or blood work.

Being informed of how even consuming 0 calorie fake sugar can help people decide what best action to take with the information known. There is no one size fits all. Only knowledge to make educated decisions based on your needs.


Im new to fasting, but my deffinition is 0cal, 0artificial supplement, only water, tea and coffee. I had a yoghurt 35h ago and resett my fasting clock. Should I count myself fasting with this one yoghurt i would be at exactly 96h now. With that calculation i would celebrate and eat in the weekend. So for me the harder regime pushes me more. Others might feel different. Last time i fasted i just made 95h, so it would be cool to have new record.

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