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Did anyone doing IF give up coffee? What pros/cons?

Just curious. Usually IF people drink it because it doesn’t break the fast. But has anyone given it up? What were your results?

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I gave up coffee cold turkey because I can’t drink it black. I start the morning with water and then a lot of tea. I haven’t found it difficult, which is shocking because I drank multiple iced coffees a day prior to doing this. Only been doing this two weeks but so far so good. I’ve heard you can put salt in black coffee to make it less bitter - not sure if this breaks the fast though.


Black coffee started to make me super nauseous so I stopped drinking it all together. Sometimes I’ll drink black tea, but I am thankfully not addicted to caffeine anymore. I had pretty gnarly headaches for the first week but after it was fine. I drink a lot of water throughout the day.


I give up coffee on IF. I just thought that I wanted to clean my diet, and coffee was an obvious choice as an addictive substance. It is perfectly legal and acceptable, but it is just another thing that people can not live without. It was kind of me saying I’m taking control of what I eat and drink. I don’t hate coffee, I rather enjoyed it too much.It’s difficult to say what cutting coffee gives me. I introduced so many changes when I started IF. I’m less anxious, and I sleep better. I’m calmer and more mellow. Is it because of cutting coffee? It’s probably more complex than that.


During my eating period Ill have my normal 12 oz oat milk coffee latte w 3 sugars every few days or on weekends, pros: still losing weight, no more stomach issues, cons: sugar intake not great for the long term


I did not give up coffee at all. I used to drink it with a little half and half, but now I have the first cup black and the 2nd cup (in my eating window)with half and half. That has worked well for me. You need to make sure you are buying really good coffee though.


I gave up coffee in the morning. I have ice cold water until I break my fast between 12:30 and 1;30 pm. Then when I break if I have a cup of coffee with my food if I feel like it. The only thing I noticed was that I felt more mentally clear and alert. I also feel less heavy. The first couple weeks I would say were harder to adjust but after that I was fine and feeling good.


I’m not drinking black coffee currently (and if I do, i drink just a cold brew)but i started to do a mix of digestive teas(chamomile, mint, green etc)with ice so it’s refreshing and I like the flavor that mint tea gives it.

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