| | Water Fasting

Did you slowly build up to fasting over 36hours or did you just jump in?

Tell me your experience if you built up to it or not!

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I started quite a while ago so I can’t recall correctly, but my first 48h+ was kinda accidental? I was feeling good,so decided to continue. I would say there’s no one exact answer, every fast is different. Sometimes you can complete several day fast without any problems and on the other day you feel like shit before even 24h. So I think the best thing you can do is basically listening to your body.


I remember it pretty well. I discovered that humans don’t need to eat every day, what fasting is and that hunger feeling comes and goes. I didn’t believe it and wanted to try for myself. After 3 days of not eating and still not being hungry I called it off because I got scared.


I recently did my first 48 hour fast, and before that I had been doing IF like 16:8 and 18:6. Once I passed the 24 hour mark and woke up the next day, I felt pretty good so I decided to carry on and do another 24 hours.

You can totally do it if you put your mind to it. I found that once I’d told people I was going to do it, it kept me motivated to stick to it. That may help you as well.


I usually cut carbs a day or two before. The day before I might have cream in my coffee, that’s it for calories. By the time I actually start the water fast, I am in ketosis and have already doubled my water intake. Works for me.


I did a 24 hour fast for school, After that I did a 3 day fast from sheer stubbornness.

After that I did nothing for years, but after bulking up in the gym (and getting quite fat) I found omad was easiest to have in my life. and 3 months on that and I was back to my slim trim self


My first fast was a 72-hour fast - it wasn’t very hard, especially if you have good discipline and aren’t already too lean. In my experience, as you get leaner at 12-13% bodyfat, it becomes much harder, and I’ve adjusted to \~24 hour fasts whenever convenient.

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