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Diet soda


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Just anecdotally- I can go forever with no sugar/carbs, but the minute I have some fake sweetener (any kind) I’m about to stab your grandmother in the face for a cup of apple juice. My brain is like “YOU SAID THERE WOULD BE SUGAR!!! I GOT READY FOR SUGAR!! THERE IS NO SUGAR!!! AAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”

Just me though.


I try to avoid diet soda in general. But when the cravings kick in hard, a glass of diet whatever helps keep them at bay. However, I find that when I’m having too much diet soda (fasting or otherwise) my carb cravings are so freaking high.

I have found soda water (or seltzer) is a great middle ground. You feel like you’re having something thanks to the bubbles, but you are avoiding the artificial sweeteners.

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Categories: soda sugar carbs