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Diet Soda on a 3 day fast?

Has anybody lost weight drinking diet soda on a 72 hour fast? Of course also supplementing snake juice as well.

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If your fast is to heal through Autophagy, that soda will Hinder your healing. If your only goal is to not ingest any solids, why not. My question is if you put effort into fasting why drink a soda? Why don’t you just re-feed and try to go longer next time. What ever floats your boat.


I don’t know if this info will be beneficial to you or not, but my A1C was 10.5. For 2 months I been fasting, doing mainly 24 hour fasts and I drank diet soda. Mainly coke zero like you did, but I did drink other sugar free drinks. Now my A1C is at 5.7, which is a pretty huge drop. Almost under the normal level of A1C. During the two months I also tested my glucose and it never got over 100. I started at 300 pounds and now at 270 pounds. So when I did my fasts I drank soda and still continued to lose weight. You could argue I probably could have lost more within those 2 months, but honestly, I’m a lot happier that I didn’t have to drink a lick of snake juice lol


I like drinking diet soda, coffee with a little heavy whipping cream (just fat, so it doesn’t kick you out of ketosis), and black tea with stevia. Lots and lots of black tea.

I know Cole says not to drink any of that stuff, but it really comes down to calories in and calories out. Diet Soda has 0 calories and doesn’t affect insulin response. Or if it does, it’s negligible.

I also chew gum during alot of fasts. Same thing, negligible insulin response. Just make sure it’s sugar-free.


SHOULD you? Probably not, but like others already said, everyone is different. Whatever works for you to achieve your goals and sustain, that’s the ONLY thing that matters.

Yes, there is research that shows drinking/eating anything sweet still triggers insulin signal in your brain, and whether it’s a little or a lot, everyone is different and some have different goals, and not just weigjt loss, insulin resistance causes a plethora of negative crap in your body, so that’s the main reason to keep that as low as possible at all times when fasting.

In terms of what you’re drinking, that’s also another issue, depending on the individual. What diet soda? Does it have aspartame? Again, some research shows that aspartame and some of these other sweeteners are causing cancer and linked to other health issues. So drinking it once in a blue moon is probably not that bad, but drinking 4 or 5, or maybe even more per day could potentially be very harmful. Hard to say. Again, everyone is different. Like those damn lucky bastards that smoke and drink every day and live past 100 🤣

If your goal is mainly just fat loss and you have a lot to lose, then just do what works until you’ve dropped a LOT and THEN focus on the cleaning up diet/fasts, etc.

Also, be careful the diet soda doesn’t trigger you to eat or eat more when breaking your fast. Some people find that it affects their refeeds, etc. If it’s already working for, then by all means 🤷‍♂️


I drink diet soda on all my fasts. It gives me something to look forward to and helps me focus. I also use those 0 calorie drink additives. I mix mine with fasting salts aka electrolyte powder. Makes lemonade taste like Gatorade. Dont JUST do diet soda though. You will regret it at 3am when you get uncontrollable cramping in your feet that are agony.


The chemicals in diet soda aren’t good for you in general, but they’re definitely not good during a fast. And Cole says artifical sweeteners screw up a fast just like sugar. But to each his own, I guess.


Well,.. if it spikes your insulin, it’s not good. Insulin spikes prevent fat burning, cause rapid aging, protect cancer growth and many things… the goal is to be as low insulin as possible



I had like 5L of zero sugar, zero caffeine Coke for a 48h fast literally yesterday. And honestly it’s much, much worse than having sparkling water. Your mouth gets this horrible sweet taste in it, and for some reason I get really tired with it, which I don’t get in normal water fasts with the usual electrolyte supplementation.

I much prefer sparking mineral water, as it ‘feels’ healthier, it bloats you, and has traces of electrolytes that helps my other electrolyte supplementation of magnesium, potassium chloride and sodium (table salt).

I’m m21 btw.

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