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Diet soda or using stevia/artificial sweeteners?

I didn’t see where this had been asked or I missed it. Does drinking diet pop during fasting trigger an insulin response or disrupt autophagy? How about putting stevia in black coffee? Just curious. Any help or point me to where I can find this info. Thanks!

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Autophagy isn’t some magical power unlocked by fast. It’s always ongoing process fasting increases it but it’s not switched off. Without food body needs to use up what it has and energy must come from somewhere. If your body needs 2000 kcal to function it needs to use up 2000 kcal from somewhere it will be from fat reserve and from recycling old cells.

Is fast without a sweetener better than one with sweetner. It is.

Is fast without a sweetener that you cannot stick to better than the fast with sweetener that you can stick too? Obviously not.

If you need sweetener to get you through a day of fasting then do what you need to do. I can’t stand unsweeten coffee and can’t live on water only. I drink my my coffee black with sweetener and will have can of coke zero if I am craving something sweet. Is my fast 5% less optimal than the fast of someone who runs only on water? Probably. But it’s the fast I can stick to and keep sticking to it without feeling like a chore which is the best kind of fast anyone can have. I am about to finish my eating window and jump into another 36h fast of Alternate fasting I have lost as of today 12 lbs since Christmas I feel more energetic and more focused.

Body isn’t machine you don’t need to aim for a 100% efficiency. Fast you can stick to is 1000 times better than optimal fast you won’t be able to commit long term. I have seen far to many people overoptimize their diet and exercise aiming for ideal 100% efficient solution rather than the sustainable 95% efficient solution.


I would steer clear of any diet sodas during a fast personally. When I fast I try to get rid of toxins and what not, and I feel dyes are flavorings defeat that purpose. Also, if u want to have a drink with sweeteners I would just avoid that drink during your fast. Many people debate on whether an insulin response is triggered or not (different sweeteners, different leveled spikes) but I don’t think they’re so bad, but should be avoided if u want optimal fasting benefits. Plus in my opinion, they defeat the whole point of the fast, to be without anything. If you choose to have a sweetener, erythritol triggers the lowest response from what I’ve read. This may provide some insight on which to have if you choose to have any at all. Good luck and Stay strong!

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