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Differences between different type of grains/breads.

Hi everyone :)

I’m guessing it’s kind of a niche question but tought i’d asks this sub’s opinion.

So is there any significant nutritional difference between different type of grains? Basicly breads…

Like between..

Whole wheat / Whole rye / Whole spelt

Is one grain “superior/healthier” to the other or Is it all Basicly a matter of preference?

What’s your favorite Taste wise?

Do you think whole grains are a “healthy”/ideal source of complex carbs?

Are sprouted grains “superior/healthier” then non sprouted?


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There are subtle differences in the nutritional makeup of each grain, but not something to make one grain clearly better than the other. Some have more fiber, some more protein, some more B12 and so on.

Sprouted grains are expected to be more nutrient dense


u/fiction_escapist answered accurately regarding nutrition. Dietary fiber and taste/texture are the most significant variables. I love bitter sourdough or dark rye flavors, but it depends what you’re eating it with


If I remember correctly there isn’t a huge difference in nutrition between things like wheat vs spelt etc. More than that I think it would be worth looking into authentics sourdoughs. Because of phytic acid degradation the minerals in these breads are much more absorbable. Phytic acid should also be less present in white bread than wholemeal.



The healthiest bread you could get from most grocery stores is probably Ezekiel.

I think whole grains are amazing and necessary for adequate nutrition. But most of the whole wheat /grain breads they sell at grocery stores has a ton of junk in it.

You should check out the plant based Dr. Michael Greger on YouTube. His channel is Nutritionfacts.org and so is the website. You can search for anything under the sun and he likely has info on it. Lots of valuable nutrition info.

Also you can download the app called DailyDozen. You can check off all the heathy stuff you’re eating daily. There are also examples of which fruits/veg/grains etc you should be trying to eat everyday.

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