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Disastrous life

I’m 23Male, i hate how my life is leading. I’m 118kgs and 6.5 height and I look like 30, I used to lift heavy weights two years back but now I left the workout and everything and my chest had started converting into man boobs. I eat like a lot I can control but unnecessary eating is thriving me very hard, less sleep , unbalanced diet, sticking to my mobile minimum 8hrs a day and on top that I’m leaving abroad for education, I’m worried rn because with this habits if I go there and try to study it will just ruin my life much more. I want to make it better I know how to make it better but it’s just laziness and ignorance fuck man you know that feeling right. I can really use some advice I have two months to go to abroad I want to create a disciplined Habit so I can live normally over there.

PS : sorry for my grammar, I’m an introvert I couldn’t really share this stuff with anyone so I’m hoping I can get the help I need

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I don’t know if this will help….

First, You have to really want this.

  1. Set up a weight station.

A scale, a calendar, and a pen. Get in the habit of weighing yourself daily.  But don’t obsess about the daily number.  It will go up and down daily.  Focus on Sunday. Lose 1 to 2 lbs week.

I do this because I use to think, “I ate bad this week, I will weigh myself next week” And of course I didn’t.

  1. Get two food scales

One for home and the other for work or where ever you hang out the most. You need to know what you are putting in your body.  This is a long life habit, period.

Some of the skinnest people I know weigh their pasta before cooking it and  DON’T complain about doing it.

  1. “Lose It’ app

You Need an app to track your calories.  This app allows you to scan the bar code on the food package.

  1. Fitbit

This will track steps and Calories and link to “Lose It” app. Don’t eat back the calories you burn.  It is not always accurate.

  1. Soft body tape measure

You need to measure once a month your body.  Write the results down on the calendar.  This is solid proof you are losing weight even when the scale is wonky.

  1. Take progress pics

This will help stay motivated and see the progress when the scale is wonky.

  1. No one is going to care about your weight lose more than YOU! 👊

  2.   Burn more calories than you consume daily, you will lose weight.  It is a numbers game, period.

Read, “How not to Diet” by Dr. Greger. No BS, all scientifically based research. Believes in the power of eating plants to heal the body. Not a vegetarian myself but he is my go to for nutritional information. He is not out to get rich. His company is non-profit.

9.  Weight loss done in a healthy way will take time. It will take me 24 months to lose ~60lbs. Losing about ~1lb a week.

  1. 🥳 Congratulations! On your new journey! 🥳

Lastly, These skills have to be built-into your muscle memory.  Life will throw all kind of stuff at you:Divorce


Loss of job

Loss of housing

Birthday cake


Wedding cake


Unplanned 4 dounuts at work



Back pain

Knees pain

TGIF’s “I don’t give a f*uck”

Sunday night’s “I still don’t give a f*uck”

But you keep to your habits and you will maintain your weight loss.


Go keto and intermittent fasting. Then go to ketobuild. 2 months to gain a disciple that you have had before.

Get like a keto MOJO, or other, track your numbers, track everything. Make yourself your homework. Do you, for you. You, you, you, love you.

Post pics.


We are always making habits. Move the body w exercise i.e. don’t just live in your head, cut out simple sugars. Reduce carbs. Consider 16:8 fast. Stress and eating raise insulin which is a fat storing hormone.

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Categories: sleep balanced diet habits habit calories losing weight lose weight nutrition weight loss muscle memory pain keto and intermittent fasting keto sugar carbs stress