Distilled water (pure H20) with added electrolytes is the best water. It is the cleaniest water available containing no toxic chemicals and no heavy metals, it is 0 PPM.
Dangerous facts about tap water:
-Chlorine in tap water kills your gut bacteria
-Flouride makes you slow-witted and doesnt protect you from cavities.
-You are drinking pharmaceuticals every time you drink tap water.
-Contains heavy toxic metals and micro-plastics
-contains antibiotics and pestisides
Conspiracy: Drinking pure h20 (water) leeches essential body minerals: FALSE.
No, thanks.
“Aside from its flat taste, distilled water doesn’t provide you with minerals like calcium and magnesium that you get from tap water. Because it doesn’t contain its own minerals, distilled water has a tendency to pull them from whatever it touches to maintain a balance. So when you drink distilled water, it may pull small amounts of minerals from your body, including from your teeth.”