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Do daily 12 hour dry fasts do anything healthwise?

I’m thinking of dry fasting 12 hours per day (2 hours before sleep, 8 hours sleep, and 2 hours after sleep)

Would it have any positive effects on health / autophagy?

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I’ve heard from multiple sources that a dry fast doesn’t really count as a fast until you hit 18 hours. To be fair, you probably have done 12 hours many times in the past without realizing it with the schedule you’re suggesting here.


Not anything very significant. Everyone dry fasts normally during sleep, and you’d only be adding 4 extra hours which isn’t even the normal amount of intermittent fasting. If you can, I’d suggest trying to dry fast at least 24 hours for some benefits. Dry fasting is the kind of fasting that gets stronger with time, so it’s beneficial to go as long as you can


I don’t know about daily, I think it’s helpful if I temporarily fall off the fasting wagon and I want to encourage myself with comparatively smaller successes. Just being able to say, “I accomplished a dry fast today, even if it was only 12 hours :) “ is still a success


That’s good but I think a smaller window would be way more beneficial and give more benefits. Getting into deep autophagy can’t be done on intermittent fasting. Possibly doing 20:4 or 23:1 can be very effective though. If you really want to get deep into the healing process it usually starts at day 7. I tried a 3 day dry fast and almost lost it, the emotions I felt were so strong and overwhelming I couldn’t go on. I’m gonna try a 7 day this Christmas though.

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