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Do I really need prolonged fasting to reach my goal

My goal is very simply to lose 100lbs. If my main goal is strictly weight loss do I need 48s/72s or more? Ive done the math and I’m pretty impressed with the results that a simple omad routine with a 1k cal refeed would give me. Im a 6’5 300lbs male and I can burn about 1 pound per day fasted. If I strip away 1000 calories from the 3500 cal (1 pound) that would put me at a 2500 calorie deficit. Say I have a 2500 calorie cheat meal once a week, that would make my weekly caloric deficit at 16000 calories which equals about 4.5lbs. In under 6 months I would reach my goal even without exercising. Is there a reason to fast for multiple days if I’m willing to commit to a 5-6 month plan? Should I do 48s instead?

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The best fasting plan is the one that you can stick to. Period. Start with 48s, maybe sometimes throw in 72 if you feel like it.

My advice would be: start exercising. Maybe even start with a 10 minute walk per day. Moving more and creating good habits will help you with keeping the weight off.


There are benefits to extended fasting beyond weightloss. It will help with skin tightening, cell turnover, and provide other health benefits.

You can look up the work of Dr. Valter Longo he’s done tons of studies on the benefits of multi day fasting.


Old ass cliche, said a million times, BUT, the best routine is the one you can stick to. No, you don’t need extended fasts. I did OMAD a couple years ago and dropped from about 190 to 163 doing 1 hour OMAD refeeds from 12 to 1 every day, with even an occasional cheat day 🤷‍♂️

It was NOT fast results though, so it really depends on what you want. Consistency is key NO MATTER WHAT it is you choose to do.

I gained a lot back cause of Covid, sickness, and other issues that arose (not an insane amount though), and recently switched to eating 2 days a week only 🤷‍♂️

Anything you do will work as long as you stick with it. I strongly recommend never doing more than OMAD and if possible, rolling 48s is very easy and sustainable and you’re never eating 2 days back to back which is something that messed a lot of people up.


The refeeds need to keep you in ketosis with omad so they’ll have to be very low carb (basically keto). I find with 72s I don’t have to watch my macros like a hawk and can eat pretty much whatever I want within the eating window. A luxury I can’t have with omad. But to each their own.


that’s the problem today! everything needs to be yummy! fukk that! only thing that matters is that it is effective in reaching your goal! so you can fast and are not hungry! your taste is probably completely fked up and will regulate itself if you stay with the snakejuice!


Rolling 48’s are the best for weight loss. Remember your gallbladder, it needs food in order to produce bile. Anything longer than a 48 hour fast would be damaging your gallbladder. Other than that doing rolling 48’s, low carb you’ll lose all the weight you need to pretty quickly. Best wishes. 🐍


I feel like weight loss should be seen as an attempt at controlling our personal levels of the hunger hormone, ghrelin. The more often you eat, typically, the hungrier you’ll be, and the higher that hormone will be as well. If I, personally, try to eat all day and be at a deficit, I’ll just be hungry all day and even before bedtime. If I do a rolling fast or extended fast, ghrelin, instead of being elevated from eating, will actually go down from not eating. I recommend caffeine to stave hunger off and mobilize lipids in the bloodstream better as well. Now, an extreme deficit on omad can sound appealing, and if you try it and it works for you, then awesome! I just find it easier to eat every few days and a “normal” amount around or below my maintenance calories for that day and just use the fasted days as the weight loss. I feel less hungry overall doing so and my gym performance tends to be solid as well. To each their own!

For some further info:https://youtu.be/sVl-nilhWLc

Hope that helps!


Do realize that weight loss isn’t linear. It will start to slow as you lose weight. So maybe start with omad and as you get better at fasting (I think fasting is like exercise, it gets easier to fast longer as you gain experience) add longer fasts to keep losing weight at a good pace.

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