| | Water Fasting

Do you actually lose more weight dry fasting then water fasting.

Is it a study on it? Have y’all compared the two personally?

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Yes, personally I lose more. I also find dry fasting easier than water fasting weirdly enough. Dry fasting I could cut everything out and often times was more focused on water then food which was easier to put off as I had no reason to go to kitchens and such. I lose about 1-2 pounds to start water fasting and around .5 after a week. Dry fasting I lose 4-6 off the bat and slow to 1 pound, only hormonal stuff will make it so I lose less than a pound. Dry fasting hard and soft I’ve noticed no weight difference, hard fasting made me go a bit crazy so I avoid it now, but some find it spiritual and easier.


Yes. Body fat stores water, so while dehydrated, your body will use fat cells as not only energy sources, but hydration sources as well. It’s why after 3 days with no water you’re still pissing everyday


Yes, here a few studys to look at





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