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Do you actually need to flip your entire diet to maintain weight loss after fast?

So i’ve been watching a lot of videos about dry fasting and it’s kind of discouraging when i hear them say “after your fast, don’t eat dairy, meat, processed foods, sugar, etc” like thats all i have. And i also enjoy meat and dairy. I understand that i should be in a calorie deficit And limit my intake of healthy foods, but do i need to completely cut out everything and just eat raw fruits and veggies?

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I don’t really think you have to. Many people on here recommend keto or carnivore but I don’t think that’s necessary. The first few days breaking the fast it’s preferred to eat something that is easy to digest. I think that’s why fruit and veggies are recommended because they digest easier. After all, your digestive system has been asleep. As long as you stick to a deficit during and after referring, you’ll be fine.

Lots of people start fasting because they have food addiction and/or obesity. Sometimes even insulin resistance problems. Their relationship with food is messed up so fasting helps them gain control of that.

I prefer food with fiber and a lot of water after fasting. But whatever you’d like is fine as long as your body responds okay. Just don’t eat too much at once and I’d recommend against anything spicy.


You’re exaggerating a bit. Definitely should have a source of B12 like dairy or u can get nerve damage. It happened to me as a vegan. Also nutrition from all raw is poor imo as cooking increases the range, quantity and digest ability of food. I don’t think keto is good but I drench my vegetable and bean curries in good oils like avocado and macadamia. I think this is important to maintain the fat adaption between fasts and get more calories from sources other than carbs and proteins. Helps with hunger too.


It’s recommended because processed foods and sugar are the culprits of so much weight gain in society. You don’t have to go raw foodist or anything, but after a fast you might find your body naturally craves real foods as in whole, raw foods. We’ve become so desensitized in our taste buds that we indulge in excess of processed foods and that stuff packs on the pounds. If you eat consciously, you can still keep the weight off. But there’s definitely more of a challenge when you are eating food that stimulates overeating and caused overweight and obesity in the first place

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Categories: weight loss dry fasting meat sugar deficit fruit keto carnivore digest sleep obesity fiber nutrition oil calories carbs weight gain a fast overweight