| | Water Fasting

Do you ever adapt to dry fasting?

I’m an experienced water faster and intermittent faster, and I know after a few days (WF) or weeks (IF) you adapt to it and stop feeling hungry. Does that happen with dry fasting? After some time, you stop feeling thirsty? Or is it just kinda always there and you get used to it, maybe just tune it out like you tune out the feeling of wearing a watch? Or are you just perpetually thirsty?

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personally i find dry fast easier.


when i do water fast i get diarrhea and my lower stomach/intestines feel like garbage, maybe im doing something wrng. but i dont feel that when i do dry fast


Yeah I worked up to 5 day dry, I always stopped when I had dry mouth feeling. I would work through a little bit of uncomfortable thirst, but if it was feeling real dry, I just drank. Would take few days to reach 24 hours, then a few for 36 hours. Then 48 hours. Now the most conveinent thing was after I adjusted to 48 hours for 3 days, I didn’t feel that dryness for 5 whole days before I stopped because I was too bored, I could’ve gone another day or two if I had things to keep me busy. So I don’t think you should suffer through it. But you can be a little uncomfortable to extend the time, just like 1-2 hours of slight thirst will push you further the next time.


I don’t eat or drink until at least noon making a 15-20 hr dry fast daily depending on when I break it. I usually always run as well in the morning before I drink. I pretty much never feel thirsty any more, until I take that first sip of water. I actually found that breaking the dry fast with watermelon is much better as I can eat a few pieces and not be hungry or thirsty afterward, whereas, if I were to break it with water I would want to drink at least 20oz because I get more thirsty immediately after drinking.

You certainly do get used to it… I prefer dry fasting over water fasting because I also never (rarely) feel hunger while dry fasting.

Hope this helps…


As a muslim, we start dry fasting for the month of ramadan as teenagers. I found that through the years it became easier. Now I just think that hunger is a mindset, I don’t even think about food my focus is just elsewhere. I do feel other things like tiredness, weakness, dry skin or dry mouth and those are my signals that I need to eat or drink. I can be with other people who are eating, I can cook for them, go grocery shopping without a problem (my husband who rarely fasts and usually he water fast, find all these extremely hard).

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