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Do you find it’s harder to do extended fasts right before period?

I’ve been doing 48s and then 72s for a while but find I really struggle in the 2-3 days leading up to my period as well as on day 1 of my cycle. I know Megan Ramos has addressed this in one of Jason Fung’s videos and suggests doing 16/8s or 18/6s on those days. Has anyone here been able to push through PMS and keep fasting for 36+ hours during this time?

To be clear, this isn’t about sugar or carb cravings as I eat very low carb keto carnivore and don’t deviate in response to cravings or triggers.

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I haven’t done extended fasts but EVERYTHING feels harder those days. Appetite is higher, body more sensitive. In contrast, the week or two after my period is a breeze.

So I try to do my best on those pre-period days and do a bit more on the days in the following weeks. Why swim against the current, you know? Why not do 18/6 for a couple of days and then jump back up?


it’s the opposite for me bc i lose all appetite 2-3 days before period and the first day of period, but i struggle around time of ovulation. point is, yeah, hormones seem to be a huge factor, unfortunately

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