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Do you have a fasting recovery food? And have you ever dealt with nausea?

So I’m not going to waste much time on a life story but I had overeating issues tied to mental issues (depression, which I stifled with constant weed consumption, which lead to frequent overeating due to munchies). If you couldn’t tell, it’s a silly cause anyway.

Anywho, I’m sure my health situation was unique (and worse) as I’d (according to my scale) gain about 15 pounds over the course of 1 1/2 weeks from binging and then have it fall off for the following similar timeframe.

This is years ago where it was constant, it’s just now a here and there thing since I got my health back in order but I was curious if people who fast (part of my recovery process) deal with a nausea response to certain foods when it’s time to eat again or if it’s just me and my weird situation?

If this nausea is normal for fasting recovery and not just a me thing then what is your recovery food? I just found it odd that of all foods, tuna and Cheeze-its seem to be acceptable but then just a slice of bread/popcorn/baked chicken will make me nearly gag at even the thought of it.

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I refeed from my fasts with pureed vegetable soup. Refeed for me lasts about half the duration of the fast, if I fast 10 days then I refeed for 5. I only get nauseous if I eat foods my body has not recovered enough to consume like heavy oily, processed or sugary/salty foods and if I try to overeat.


I used to get nauseous. Actually I have a lot of health issues that led to a lot of discomfort coming off fasts


I’ve become experienced and no longer feel bad refeeding and I’d say there’s two things to that:


Experiment with foods and see what works for you. My wife found fruits that were light (like watermelon) served her best. For me, it was eggs and fibre sources like broccoli or flaxseed. But fruit for example absolutely killed me. Most foods did actually. When you find what works, keep it on your short list. It’ll help you adapt and get to the second point:


The other thing is as your body gets better at switching between fasted and fed states, all of this slowly dissipates. After 4-5 months I started noticing I could jump in and out of 48h fasts no problem. I now have a schedule of 48h fast, one meal \~2k cals and lots of nutritional variety, then back into 48h. My body doesn’t skip a beat anymore. A far cry from having my stomach turn over a single piece of watermelon or some chicken


Good luck

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