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Does anybody workout while in a multi day fast? Can your body handle it?

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It gets rough around day 3 onwards. My endurance plummets, and my strength is a good bit less than usual. I tend to want longer rest periods, too. I typically just do a quick (20-30 min vs 45-60min), high intensity version of my regular lifting routine. I accept that i’ll have to lower weight significantly. I accept that lifting while fasting is just for preservation and habit rather than muscle gain.

Cardio is about the same deal, where I get tired bodily pretty quickly. Cardio is always a mind game, though, so it’s easier to push through it.


Absolutely yes!! This is when you get the most bang for your workout. You’re burning fat, not sugar, after about 17 hours so it’s the best for losing weight and getting trim. You already set yourself up for success by fasting, now turbo boost that fast with a great workout.


I’ve done 3 hour bicycle rides daily while doing long fasts. If you do what you are used to then it isn’t much of a problem. You will feel a bit off and empty at times depending on how fat adapted you are. If I am going to go hard, I usually do it the first day of the fast. Definitely keep up on the electrolytes and stay well hydrated to help with the recovery.


My longest water fast was 4 days, and I worked out every day, no drop in intensity or change in routine. Never noticed an issue personally, but I have not done many multi-day fasts to know if that would be the norm for me or not.

EDIT: My current routine has me doing a complete water fast on Tuesdays, so I don’t eat from Monday night until Wednesday night (I do OMAD). And my strength work on Wednesday (so 46-48 hours fasted) are always completely fine with no drop off in performance.


Yes! I’ve been doing 4.5 day fasts (dinner on Sunday and then breakfast on Friday) for the last 8 weeks whilst working out 2-3 times a week and walking/jogging on non-gym days. It’s been absolutely fine for me. I’m careful not to overdo it but i do push myself enough to improve.


I maintain my regular routine which is a lot of bicycle riding and intense yoga. As long as my electrolytes are good, my energy and stamina is not a problem. But this is my normal routine. My body is already very used to it.


Yes. I am going off of a clear liquids only right now. I work out every day 3 hours. So far I’ve been ok. As in for fighting off that “hunger” feeling I’ve just been drinking more water. I do feel tired and weak sometimes but YOLOOO for reference, I’m 5’8 167lbs


My longest fast was 96 hours. I’m usually on OMAD and Keto, so the first two days were nothing out of extraordinary, able to do my HIIT on treadmill first day, play tennis for almost two hours very intense on the second day. The third day was actually Amazing. FULL of energy, phisically and mentally. Again, tennis for two hours, I felt like on steroids or something, but I could kill with my serves. The fourth day… I couldn’t do much, I felt lazy and weak, but not hungry at all, I was actually thinking to go for more days. I don’t know if it was the effort I did on my third day, or something, but I didn’t Want to go to the gym or tennis, and this is Very rarely happening to me.


I do a pretty intensive yoga routine for a few hours every morning. I prefer to be in the fasted state. Sometimes I go easy and sometimes hard. Even for longer fasts I continue my routine. I haven’t noticed less energy. I do use more electrolytes while working out though.


I’ve done it the past. I find similar to exercising while on keto (in ketosis). Your muscles are deprived of glycogen so your ability do high high to moderate effort activity like jogging at those paces will be diminished. It’s definitely limiting.


I would walk 30 minutes a day and do full body workouts while fasting for 7 days in a row. It’s definitely doable, just make sure you listen to your body and don’t forget to take some electrolytes. You may want to try something like “greasing the groove” workouts - tons of volume, with low reps per set.


Basically I fast every single day for 18 hours, haven’t skipped an calesthenics work out routine in 2 years.Feel great most of the time, lots of time sore muscles but it’s just an habbit I guess. Good amount of muscle while being shredded, eat clean and live in between in guess


I do but I have to go at a much lower intensity. I have trouble breathing, as if I were really out of shape, and feel weaker.

For example, today is my 3rd day of fasting and before this fast I fasted for 115 hours. Last week I was deadlifting 225 for reps and today I had to do 135 🥲


Def run or do any cardio while fasting. Not only will you slim up more and trim up but it’s good to help hold onto some of you muscle mass. In the long run your body will really benefit from this since you will mostly be burning fat if you do it any time after 17hrs when your in full ketosis mode. I’ve done a 15 day fast and I lost so much weight that stayed off and kept muscle mass due to continuing to work out (as much as I could though, don’t over due it because you aren’t eating and it def will have negative effects ie passing out, and worsening stomach pains). But yes I am a true believer in doing long fasts while maintaining cardio. You will be happy with the results.

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Categories: habit muscle cardio sugar losing weight electrolytes recover water fast omad 5 day fast dinner working out energy weak longest fast keto morning ketosis stomach pain