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Does anyone eat liver?

I fried my dog chicken liver in butter and it smelled really good.

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What’s a dog chicken?

In all seriousness, I do eat liver. It’s got a bit of an unusual texture and a flavor that’s more intense than regular meat, but it’s all in all a rather unspectacular thing to eat.


Only with fava beans and a nice chiante….?

I know the liver is supposed to be super nutritious and tasty. I think it’s too rich for me though. I wonder if I would react the same way if I was told it was something else.


I grew up on liver and onions but have not actually made it as an adult which I kinda regret and should change. One of my favourite research scientists loves liver for the simple matter that it is just oversaturated with mitochondria and our bodies barely have to break it down to make it very useful in how our shit gets handled. It is not a oh we can just use it 1 to 1, but it just requires so little effort to put the good things where they need to go and there is no other protein that comes close. Which if you look at the animal kingdom, that is pretty much how any apex predator goes about life. Killer whales will kill great whites only for their liver. Lions go for the liver first. Grizzly bears who are very successful hunters will only eat the liver and skin during the salmon runs, ignoring the rest. There might be something to it after all.


We do need to eat more organ meats, but make sure they are from a quality farm (organic, free-range, etc.). Lots of important nutrients in liver and other organ meats, not so much as a protein source (though there is that too of course, its just organs are best for the other nutrients). My wife loves liver, but I’m not such a fan, but I do take dehydrated liver pills.


My dad used to make fried chicken livers for breakfast and we had liverwurst for sandwiches all the time.

I haven’t in a while because my husband and daughters hate it.

But now I think I’m going to make myself some because this post is making me hungry.


My dad used to make fried chicken livers for breakfast and we had liverwurst for sandwiches all the time.

I haven’t in a while because my husband and daughters hate it.

But now I think I’m going to make myself some because this post is making me hungry.


Eating it normally makes me gag, but I’m a fan of the nutrition.

Once a month, I fry some up, then puree it, and mix in a little coconut oil for cohesion; then form it into a series of “pucks” using a falafel maker tool, and freeze them. Throw them in a ziploc.

Then I eat one puck per day, like a pill. A quick thaw in the microwave, dissolve it in water, and swig it down while holding my breath so I don’t have to taste it!

I might expand someday to heart or kidney.


Liver is super good for you, but you can’t eat too much of it because it’s so nutrient dense. Not sure about just frying it in butter though. Lol. Most people hate the taste of liver. I but the ancestral blend from force of nature. It’s ground beef with a little bit of heart and liver mixed in. You barely notice it. Even my boyfriend who has said how much he hates liver since I met him, and said he’d be able to tell if I put it in anything, he likes it too.

I’ve also heard that people prefer chicken liver over like beef because it has a more mild taste. I personally haven’t tried that though.


Best thing is to caramelize onions and then add olive oil and let the liver get tender then add pomegranate molasses.. so good because it provides a bit of acidity and sweetness to it and makes it more umami and the onions will give a bit of texture and a lot of taste


I love it! I am always worried about my vitamin B levels, so I make meatballs one a month and it has really helped me. If you mix ½ ground beef with ½ ground beef liver, it makes the yummiest meatballs ever! Just cook/season as you normally would.


Funny, I seriously dislike liver in its ‘unprocessed’ state e.g. liver and onions - the texture is horribly chalky and the taste overwhelmingly of iron - but I absolutely love it as pâté or liverwurst.


Vegetarian here. I wonder how eating animal liver would affect our body. Only because liver is the powerhouse and metabolism happens in liver. Wouldn’t eating liver also mean eating any toxic residue inside it? (Nothing against meat eaters, just curious)


Livers are generally a low fat highly nutritious protein source, they absolutely decimate other parts of animals for vitamins (eg chicken livers contain 450* the amount of vitamin A chicken meat does) and generally contain low or very little satfat.

If you have heard of foie gras that the French & hipsters like eating that is literally fatty duck or goose liver, they force feed the animal to the extent the rest of its meat is trash and it has a giant fatty liver.

Because they are so rich in iron they do have a slight metallic twang to them which can make them a little unpleasant to eat on their own. Onions & gravy cuts that nicely though.

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