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Does anyone else feel depressed while fasting?

I did a three day dry fast reefed and now I’m fasting again and I have felt really down this whole time. I have been crying a lot and nothing feels interesting to me. I’m also feeling extremely impatient. I just want results, I’m so tired of living like this. Does anyone else experience this?

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I get happy, energy and eventually euphoric if I fast long enough.7 entire days was my longest. I feel great. I actually feel a bit guilty/ depressed after I feed… you could try an eca (ephedra, caffeine, aspirin) stack to pep you up plus they suppress appetite and help you lose weight as well. They quit selling them a few years ago but I found substitutes on a body building forum a few years ago. Most large pharmacies have the products.Bronkaid,Stay awake,81mg aspirin

It helps me through lethargic days and gives me a HUGE boost in the gym.


It makes me feel like a hollow shell in the center of a hurricane of demons. Each one takes turns flying through me. I get flashbacks of every moment in my life where someone has hurt me. If I am alone I gradually lose awareness of my surroundings and begin replaying past arguments with my abusers. I imagine saying the things they never let me say. Then I begin mumbling. Then louder. Eventually I begin weeping and screaming at my walls, oblivious to whoever in the real world might hear me. I am just desperate for my abusers to hear the truths that would stop them from hurting me. It will never happen in real life, but my need is so powerful I settle for the fantasy. It’s a wonder none of my neighbors have called the police.

… and this is just what happens when I abstain from junk food and eat nothing but veg/fruit/nut/egg smoothies for more than 3 days.

… I have never fasted.


Maybe avoid the dry fasting. If anything, increase snake juice concentration. Generally I’ve always felt good mood, lots of energy and when I don’t fast, my body seems to crave it. Maybe you should check to see if you’re lacking in some specific thing? Hormones wise, minerals/vitamins/sunlight, etc…

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