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Does anyone else have college or a job? How do you manage dry fasting when being productive?

I have a bit of energy at the start of each dry fasting day but I’m dead after 3 hours of work.

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You slowly build up the energy over time. I do labor work and I can’t do more than 5 hours without water. I can do without food for a while, maybe two days, but without water is very difficult. I wish I could tell you there was some shortcut but I don’t think there is one. I’m new to fasting so maybe someone more well developed could manage.


you can cultivate energy by doing mindfullness, meditation, breathing exercises, qi gong, yoga, and chill walks through nature while being present and focusing on consistant breathing. Even with all these practices you may still feel drained but this is because you still have alot of detoxing todo and it takes practice until your body is better adapted to use these more subtle forms of energy. I believe conscious deep breathing is the best one todo consistanly throughout the day no matter what your doing


I have kids, a job (I work that one only weekends that’s an outdoor job so I get to be out in the high temps in the summer and lows in the winter) and a business with my husband.

I’ve been fasting for over 10 years, but dry fasting is more recent for me, and I’ve found it’s impossible for me while sick unless I can rest (recently had covid and dry fasted to speed healing process and I camped on the coach and my kids just cuddled me lol)

I’d say start slow, it took me 10 years to get to the point where I was heals enough to just say, “I’m not hungry today.” And then just go with it and still be able to do all that is required of me.

I can say now that my kids aren’t toddlers that’s helped an insane amount because anyone with little ones knows it’s a 24-7 job so even if you feel like you need to sleep, you aren’t getting it lol

Now I’ve dry fasted a few days and drove a car over state lines, entertained and helped my kids learn, helped customers and worked in very hot temps and didn’t even really feel thirsty! I attribute this to healing and a high fat diet.

If you eat low fat, dry fasting is going to spank you lol

Now since I’m in pretty good shape healing wise, I just dry fast intermittently and see amazing results, I eat and drink in a small window (11am-5pm unless it’s a holiday) and my blood work comes back amazing! The Dr actually thought I was plant based and surprised when I said mainly carnivore.

TLDRTwo kids, two jobs and I run a full house cooking all meals while I fast, but I’m fat adapted so I think that’s why. I am rarely tired, have no aches or pains so I think dry fasting intermittently and eating real food is key for me.


Try 16-22 hrs dry each day and a hydration period/and refeed before work or classes etc. This is more sustainable if you’re looking to make this a lifestyle. You can throw days in of regular fasting too.

Also UT, breath work and cold showers


I can’t speak for manual labor on dry fasting, but I’ve done many water fasts while being athletic. I eased into fasting over 18 months, increasing the frequency and lengths. I now usually do at least a 36 hour fast once a week, usually 48 hours, sometimes 72 or longer.

But in between I focus a lot on nutrition so I properly re-feed which personally I think is the key. Lots of veggies, eggs, grass-fed beef, and supplements to help fill the small cracks. That way I know I’m not malnourished before starting a fast. The dry fasts I’ll do (usually 36-48 hours) when I know I’m retaining lots of water, since I keep track of what I eat and my weight. I notice no problems even with work which has me on my feet walking the entire time, so 10 hours a day.

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