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Does anyone else notice that when you’re fasting, your idea of what binging is changes?

When I break my fast and eat over 600 calories or so, I think I’ve eaten so much. When I’m not fasting, 1000 calories on pizza doesn’t even phase me. Does this happen to everyone?

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Yes. I have also noticed that when I break my fast the most plain jane food tastes amazing. As if taste buds change.

But when I have 1000 + calories regularly for a few days it is like I need to have SUPER SWEET foods to get that same sort of “taste” rush.


I always feel like I’m just going to obliterate some food when my fast is over, but once I start eating again, I really can’t go over 400-500 calories before I feel ready to start my fasting window again. (I currently do 18:6.) I wait until closer to the window to eat again, but I’m also surprised at how my definition of “full” has changed in only a matter of weeks.


I absolutely hate refried beans with a passion. But at around 100 hours or so I actually start craving it. I think it’s because my body is like “ok, yeah, if that’s all that’s available we’ll do that.”


Yes!! I feel really in control and I can actually recognise what real hunger feels like AND what satisfied feels like. I’m doing OMAD and I also feel like I pay way more attention to nutrition and making sure I’m getting right stuff on my plate!


I don’t think of binging in calories. I think everyone should eat until they are truly full, so when I do OMAD it would surprise me if I consumed over 2000kcal on avg. However, I find my self wanting to eat proteins whenever I breaK my fast even when faced with tempting refined carbs. Tator thots are addictive though.


I hear this all the time but it’s never happened to me. Example, today I just broke a 7 day water fast and ate 3500 calories of whole food without much issue.

I have been on a 42-46 hour fasting window in between meals for about 2 years straight though, and now consume anywhere from 3500-5000 calories in a 4-6 hour window depending on my current workout regime so I’m guessing that plays a part in it. That’s basically just eating until I feel satiated.

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Categories: binging calories omad nutrition carbs 7 day water fast