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Does anyone get full very quickly on OMAD?

This is not a complaint, as I’m overweight and need to lose weight. Been doing OMAD for about three weeks now. Each day gets progressively easier to last the 22hours between meals (I have a 2 hour eating window). Before, even going 12 hours was a struggle. I pretty much eat whatever I want (mostly healthy, but some sweets and carbs if I’m craving them) and I always make sure I eat till I’m comfortably full. The first few days id make a huge feast (and eat it all) to make sure I last till the next day, but today I just ate a regular sized dinner and a small dessert, and was completely stuffed to the point I was almost uncomfortable. That never happened in the past.

I notice that I need less and less to get that ‘full feeling’, so I think my stomach must have shrunk or something.

As someone who has struggled with overeating and bingeing in the past, I’m just amazed that it’s happened so quickly, and hopefully this will make the weight drop off me.

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Overeating and binging has always been my problem too. Until i discovered fasting. OMAD will correct this. It did for me. Sounds like it’s working for you too.. keep it up. If you ever want to kickstart things to a new level, cut out the carbs and sugars. Those cravings will disappear as well and the weight loss will speed up.


Low carb kills the cravings for me. I sometimes have to force myself to eat even if it’s OMAD.

It did the LC first for a couple of years, then progressed into IF. I cannot eat large meals in one sitting so it’s not technically one meal a day, it several courses within a couple of hours. Appetizer, snack, salad, Entree etc.


Do some research on appetite correction. It’s not that your stomach is shrinking, its the fact that your hormones (insulin, ghrelin, and leptin) are getting more balanced. You are likely eating better quality food, that still has all of the satiety parts still in it (fiber specifically). This helps the stretch receptors in your stomach do their job effectively. Processed food has all of the stuff that tells your stomach that you are full removed. For example, you can eat a whole box of Girl Scout cookies at 10000 calories, but if you try to eat that much of a steak, it probably won’t happen.


Yes! And, it’s a feeling I’m coming to love (again). I’ve practiced, and succeeded, on OMAD before. I’ve been back at it, for nearly a month and a half. I only eat dinner, within a 1-hour feeding window. In the beginning, I would feel really hungry by the time I made it home. But, I have a rule. I don’t break my fast, until I’m done cooking, all of my food is plated and I’m sitting down. At first, I’d eat everything on my plate! Three weeks in, I started feeling stuffed halfway through my meal! So, I’ve started to cook less. OMAD is something I want to stick with. I really like how I feel. And, I’ve realized that as long as I keep my options open and don’t over-restrict myself, I don’t feel the need to binge on carbs/sugar.


Yes I get full without taking that long and stay completely full on OMAD! I eat my meal late afternoons/early evenings and I’m going one month strong. I eat a nice size portion while still being in a caloric deficit. Nothing too large or too little to where I’m starving myself. Something like a big ass loaded salad or a chicken breast with lots of veggies on the side instantly hits the spot. Late night snacking is a thing of the past 😅


I started doing more plant based which fills me up quicker and doesn’t leave me as bloated feeling afterwards. Also eating slowly and the taking small breaks helps me know when I’m actually full instead of eating until I’m full and then realizing I over ate and it’s uncomfortable.


Absolutely. I wasn’t expecting the change in fullness to be so sudden when it happened to me at the beginning of this year after doing OMAD for months. It’s a great feeling and only gets better when you get to/are at your ideal weight.


My stomach has definitely shrank on omad. Before I could hit a buffet and eat 5-6 plates of food and feel very ill but now I’ll barely finish a plate and a half and I’ll only eat until I’m full, not overly full. I seem to have lost my urge to overreat like I used to thank God


If you are not overfilling it, your stomach will indeed shrink. Or probably more accurately put, it will right-size itself.

Then there is the fact that as somebody else stated it, your new hormonal balance does have a blunting effect. Me? Right off a fast it is blunted, but I could eat a lot if I wanted to, so it turns into a more controlled choice. Most times I choose to roll with it and eat clean and with moderation.

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Categories: omad overweight lose weight eating window struggle carbs dinner stomach binge binging sugar weight loss low carb one meal a day snack fiber calories tea evening deficit chicken a fast