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Does diet soda kick you out of a fast

Does it cause I heard it can raise insulin

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depends on the sweetener, Pepsi Max for instance, uses aspartam, and aspartam doesnt trigger an insulin response, so you can drink as much Pepsi Max as you want, without breaking your fast, its the same as black coffee or tea.

source: I’ve been drinking at the very least 2 liters of Pepsi Max per day while fasting and lost more than 100 lbs in a year..


I guess it depends on which camp you fall into?

Some people say that ANY calories break your fast and you are done.

The other side (which I am part of) says if you limit your total intake to less than 50 cals during your fast you are fine.


Oof, seems like there’s some disagreement in this. I’ll see if I can point out a couple important factors:

  1. Any calories will disrupt a fast. Some say you can get up to 5ish without too much of a problem, but if you want maximum results I’d not push that line.
  2. Diet beverages can say “0 calories” if they are 5 or fewer per serving. So if you’re can of diet soda says “3 servings per can, 0 calories per serving” maybe raise an eyebrow. (Also “zero sugar” is not “zero calories”)

There are some diet sodas that do say 0 calories per serving with normal serving sizes. These should be fine but I’d drink them sparingly anyway. Artificial sweeteners in general have weird metabolic effects and can sometimes be carcinogenic so I’d not go overboard. Maybe 1-2 servings in a fasting window but I’d not drink it nonstop. Just try to keep that calories count as low as possible (at or near 0). The easiest way to do that is develop a taste for black coffee and unsweetened tea. If you get actually good coffee or tea and drink it for 30 days or more you’ll find you like and are accustomed to it more than you’d expect.


I sometimes drink diet pop during fasting window and I’m still losing weight (27.5 lbs down so far}. My advice is to try it and if you still lose weight than keep it in your beverage rotation. If you stall in your weight loss then ditch it and stick with what works for your body.


The responses are so helpful to see that this is a question with disagreement. I personally avoid the diet sodas because they make me feel very hungry afterwards. It is like my brain is expecting to eat and gets pissed when there’s no real calories.

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