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Does "dirty fasting" lead to less weight loss than water fasting?

Planning to start a fast for as long as it takes to lose about 53 lbs (24 kg) to reach my GW. But I don’t think it’s very feasible for me to go on only water.

I’m considering adding a broth cube a day (about 30 kcal) and some low caloric beverages (diet coke, no sugar ice tea etc) totalling 40-50 kcal/day max. In addition to electrolytes of course.

I know that’s not really proper fasting, but my question is, will such additions to my diet significantly disrupt my weight loss process in comparison to consuming only water (0 kcal/day)?

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You are essentially going to be in deep ketosis still with that plan. You are just going to slow down autophagy but that doesn’t seem to be your goal. I personally find it a bit harder to do what you are doing as opposed to a water fast. The little taste of sweet or broth just spikes the hunger more. The water fast can be hard on the first 2 days but then it gets much easier.

Also keep in mind that it is going to take a long fast to lose that much. You might be better off trying something simpler that builds in refeeds. The weight comes off slower but it is easier to stick with for a few months.


Hi,It took me 52 days of strict water fast to lose 25 kg.It was so easy after the first week that at the end I had to “force myself” into refeeding. And I have no eating desorder at all.Getting broth would be acceptable but I won’t do it as it stimulates hunger.Diet soda or diet beverage would be a no go as it mimics sugar at raises insulin level even if there’s no calories. And you damn want that insulin to stay low.Whatever you do, this is your path, your experience, you’ll be the only one on the track so chose the track that’s suited to you and like any hike, be open minded to make adjustments in your path.Good luck to you 🙏


Lofty goals, but it’s strange that you’re so set on losing this weight as fast as possible. Do the math on rolling 48s and rolling 72s, you’ll still lose weight phenomenally quickly, and it’ll be more sustainable than a 75 day fast. Rolling 72s will take 20-25% longer, you’ll hate life 80% less, and you’ll learn sustainable habits that will help you when you’ve achieved your goals and you’re trying to maintain.


I lost about 50 pounds in about 10 weeks, maybe a bit less, with dirty fasting. I did a mixture of longer fasts ( between 5 and 18 days) and alternate day fasting. I ate ketovore style and didn’t limit amounts when I did eat (except for refeeds on fasts over 7 days), and to maintain I eat ketovore OMAD and alternate day if needed. I did drink coke zero as I found it actually helped me feel full, and I stayed in deep ketosis with no problems. I really don’t think my weight loss would have been any quicker without the coke zero. You could try sparkling water instead if you’re concerned about the diet drinks, I drank that a lot too! :)


I recommend to do some sort of rolling WF 48/74/120 hour with keto refeed in between.
This journey will guarantee u the desired fat loss without the hassle of a very long WF. Just think about adding some days to your total length.

Adding some calories to your WF doesn’t change much in your weight loss; it will modify a lot your healing results but if it’s not your goal there will be no problem at all


I wouldn’t do that personally. I don’t feel good with dirty fasts. My biggest concern is how fast you want to lose weight and your plan to keep it off. What will you do after you lost the 53 pounds because going back to “normal” will pile it all back on again. Fasting is a wonderful tool but is not to be used alone.


If you keep it to foods/drinks with an insignificant insulin response, the result will be essentially the same as water fasting except for the extra calories. One kg is around 8000 kcal, so if you eat, say, 80 kcal a day (again, with a low insulin response), that would mean 10g of fat loss less than “full” water fasting.

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