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Does eating a lot of spinach make your skin yellow?

What other veggies do that? (Carrot, squash?)

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At one point I was jucing 20 servings of vegtables a day (or more) with a heavy focus on carrots(cheap) and leafy greens(best nutrients) and I litterally had orange hands/arm pits and a super super healthy glow on my face. Not like a tan but litterallly an orange hue.

That episode on the magic school bus where the kids turned orange was true!


Excess spinach can give you kidney stones because spinach has lots of oxalates.

I don’t think that Spinach has enough vitamin A to cause the skin to look orange / yellow but I have heard that carrot / butternut squash may do that. This evidence is anecdotal though.


Yes. High intake of carotenoids (spinach is a rich source) can cause a condition called hypercarotenodermia, which is a yellowing of the skin due to excessive carotenoids being deposited into the subdermal fat. If you have turned yellow, simply stop eating carotenoids for awhile and it will clear. The alternative is jaundice, which you would need to see a doctor ASAP


Spinach contains lots of carrotenoids which are know to make your skin turn orange when consumed heavily, alone or along with carrots, kale, sweet potato, pumpkin, and tomatoes, which are among the highest carrotenoid containing vegies.


Yes, carrots and squash can do that as carotenoids accumulate in the skin, though not the eyes (not sure about spinach). However, there was a time when I suspected overconsumption of said veggies for my yellowing skin, but turns out it was my medication (hormonal therapy) that worsened my liver function. It went away soon after stopping the meds. I suggest getting the bloodwork done to be on the safe side.


I urge you to take care of yourself and get an annual physical exam. Blood work would be included and give you an indication of any out of normal findings. This is especially important when changing diets! Again, TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!

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