| | Water Fasting

Does intermittent dry fasting has more effects than intermittent water fasting ?

I was wondering if intermittent dry fast has more beneficial effects in a range of a 16h-20h fast. I have done 48h dry fasts and really feel the difference but I don’t know if there is any short term. Is the weight loss greater ?

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I did a dry Omad routine the last 2 weeks of dec, I lost 1.1kg a day (25 F 210lb 5’6) everyday. I was eating a carnivore diet…I stopped because I did start experiencing mild dehydration symptoms such as ongoing headaches…they only stopped when I started drinking water as I needed it. If you’re gonna df I suggest going as long as possible and then breaking. Daily dry IF can lead to dehydration unless you’re using a 6-8 hour eating/drinking window

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Categories: intermittent dry fasting water fasting dry fast weight loss omad