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Does it seem like everyone runs their life around food?

So I’m doing OMAD. First time doing it, and obviously first time over the holidays. It seems people are obsessed with eating. Christmas parties, bbqs (I’m in New Zealand), planning their Christmas Day menu all month, having shared meals at work etc. I never realised how much food occupied anyone’s mind. I must have been like this before.

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Yes. I think it’s been programmed into people that they must always be eating. I was thinking about how advertising changed in the 70s with fast food from showing the food, to slogans like “you deserve a break today” and “have it your way” as they advertise mainly to people who probably don’t get many breaks and/or get a lot their way.

That’s also about the time that report came out and the scientists were paid off to lie and say sugar was healthy and fat caused heart disease. It’s like that set off the entire concept of snacking constantly and the 2:30 p.m snack break.

And, honestly, it’s been incredibly profitable for the stock market as a cycle of food to obesity to pharmaceuticals to fitness industry. Imagine if all people had to do is just stop eating so much.


there is a lot of research that shows how much eating trends changed in the last ~100 years. the invention and wide distribution of the refrigerator radically changed food accessibility

additionally, for most of our history everyone did some form of natural IF - (think hunters and gatherers). or even in the 60s/70s the last meal would be at dinner (~6pm) and then you wouldnt eat again until breakfast (so most people would be unconsciously practicing a 16:8 )

we’ve been more and more programmed to eat - and to eat frequently!

as someone who has consulted with CPG clients - there are entire multi million dollar strategies created to “win snack time” (the 10 minute mid-day snack) - just think about that…

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