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Does vomiting break my fast?


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This is sick thinking. IF should nurture HEALTH not obsessions. Everyone here, beware of your obsessions additions and bodily distortions. IF should lead to health not only on the scale but living better, improve spontaneity, increase energy, give you the wellbeing to live a loving life! Obsessing and stroking your body fat and scale is NOT a good place… make the change to change your life. Stop destroying your health by making this change.. it’s not numbers, it’s being in charge of the quality of your own health in mind and body, it enables you to have energy for the people you love.


Unless you gobble it all back up, no.

More seriously, IF is more of a long term health change, so if you have to stop for a few days to get better, it will have little to no impact on longer term outcomes. Just feel better and get back at it.

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Categories: vomit sick energy body fat