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"Don't Deny, Just Delay" is my mantra

I work in a fancy restaurant at night, and my shifts are always outside of my eating window (11-4). Recently someone brought in a sleeve of gourmet macaron in varying flavors for the staff to share.

On any other diet I would have felt left out or some sort of remorse for not being able to enjoy this amazing treat. But since discovering intermittent fasting, I realize I do not have to deny myself the glory of foods that I love. I selected my favorite flavor of macaron, wrapped it up, and took it home with me.

By the time I remembered about it the following afternoon, I made a fresh cup of espresso, and experienced this little treat in such a way that was deeper and more lovely than if I had just gobbled one up in passing during my shift.

So I was still able to partake (albeit later on), I stuck to my plan, I’m dropping pounds, and I enjoyed it more.

It feels really good to have found a way that works for me.

I’d love to hear if anyone else has similar stories or sentiments!

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On day 1, I went into the office and my boss had brought in lemon muffins…. I gladly took one and it sat patiently waiting in my lunch until my eating window came along several hours later. It was so delicious and I was so glad to “allow” myself to enjoy it.


>“Don’t Deny, Just Delay” is my mantra

This is a great mantra and a great practice.

We don’t have to have the “willpower” to not eat certain things, we just have to have the discipline and self-control to properly enjoy them (when the time is right) and not mindlessly stuff our face.


Same here. When I’m fasting and I see something I want, I start to get sad until I remember I can still eat it. I just have to wait. And then it tastes even better (or I find I didn’t really want it in the first place).


I cook for my kids every day. I always cook outside of my eating window and have made a habit of putting away my portion of the dinner for me to eat the next day. That has kept me from breaking my fasts for over a year.


Yes! I was at a party and they brought out this cheesecake brownie thingy after my eating window closed. I took a slice home and enjoyed that yummy goodness with lunch the next day. It was like a reward for staying on track!


This is exactly why IF works for me! It’s even an added benefit sometimes- historically I haven’t been that excited about food, it just felt like a chore a lot of the time. But now when I get hungry in the middle of a fast, I can plan out what my treat will be and let the anticipation build.


I learned the mantra “delay, don’t deny” a few years ago from a podcast and it helped me start and stick with IF! Knowing you aren’t denying yourself really does keep you motivated through your fasting time.


Don’t deny, delay is one of those things that makes IF work for me. I don’t feel deprived or like I can never have the goodies I want. I just have to wait a few hours. It‘s pretty common that by time I get to my eating window, I don’t want it anymore and if I do, can have it.


Added benefit: sometimes when you delay it gives your mind the time to think rationally instead of reactively.

Boss brought in doughnuts this morning. They smelt and looked amazing first thing in the morning. I thought I would take one to my office and subtly stick it in my desk for later. Now I don’t really feel a need to eat one when my window gets here.


Exactly this. My window is 7am to Noon, since I have to start my day with espresso. Family had lasagna the night before, and I simply heated some up the the next morning for breakfast. Some mornings I’ll just have a small combination of things I missed the previous day.

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