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Don't feel like I'm getting results.

I always eat/drink 1500 cal per day and still feel like I’m getting no results. I am a 6’3 male about 240 and don’t seem to be dropping despite hitting at least 12k steps daily with 25 minutes of intense cardio and an hour of weightlifting.

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This may sound counter initiative but you may not be eating enough calories. At least in my experience I plateaued for months when my calories were significantly lower than my TDEE. Once I started eating much closer to my TDEE and weight started dropping off very quickly.


I highlight doubt that, without a medical reason, you are not losing weight only eating 1500cal per day. looking up your TDEE (without knowledge of your age) you should be getting 3100cal to maintain your weight.

Are these bad calories? Even then you would still loose weight. Are you tracking anything? Also you are running 5 miles in 25minutes?

This has got to be a troll post.


I have the same probelm.. last month I started working out and with IF, the first 3 or 4 weeks I had good results on my weight and now it really slowed down. I think the thing is that thanks to working out I lose fat, but I also grow my muscle. So I don’t get my weight down as much as I’d like but I can see the results in the mirror when I look af myself.


Have you lost any size on your waist? If you’re working out and active, you should be transitioning from fat to muscle composition, even if your weight doesn’t change. Your weight itself doesn’t matter, unless it’s causing your joints to hurt. Weight is just a number showing how gravity is exerting its effects on your body mass. =)


I experienced this about 2 weeks ago. Your body has adapted. I plateaued at 243 for about 7 days while eating 1200 calories (OMAD), weight lifting 6 days a week, and also averaging 10k steps a day. No cardio at the gym. I had a cheat weekend and made sure i eat an a great amount of carbs (protein too Ofcoursee) then I restarted at 246 and back to losing weight about 3 days into the second cycle of OMAD. I actually began sweating out of nowhere almost right after i ate Sugar and carbs for the first time in that amount. If Your goal is to lose weight, then keeping the same IF wont consistently provide the same results, I believe you need to switch up.


So if you’re weightlifting you gain muscles. Muscles need to receive nutrition in order to continue to grow. If you’re only eating 1500 cal, with your size, your body will use those 1500cal to nourish anything and everything EXCEPT for your muscles. So, now your muscles are just sitting there. Body is still not getting enough to satisfy everything in your body to keep it functioning. Since it’s not just your organs and so on that need nourishment, it’s now also trying to grow muscles. So it turns to muscle for energy, not fat.

This could be the reason why you’re stuck. Low impact exercise is recommended for intermittent fasting.

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Categories: cardio calories tea losing weight working out muscle omad carbs sugar lose weight nutrition energy intermittent fasting