| | Water Fasting

Don’t gain or lose weight?

I am 39/f, 5’6, around 143lbs.

Stopped drinking and late night snacking in December. Majorly upped activity level. Have been intermittent fasting a few days shy of a month (16/8). FitBit estimates I burn 2000-2800 calories per day (usually average is 2300ish).

I haven’t replaced drinking with sugar and snacks. I’m sleeping more than I have for years after chronic sleep deprivation. Calorie intake ranges from 1200-1600 per day.

I’ve lost 2-3 pounds since December. Is this still the losing fat but gaining muscle thing? I’m not strength training yet, just walk/run and hiking.

What gives? I hesitate to drop calories more. It’s weird to me that I was hovering around the same weight eating Significantly more and worse foods and drinking alcohol regularly and now stopping those and adding exercise, way better sleep and IF hasn’t really resulted in much!

Stop Fasting Alone.

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Keep a good diary. Most (but not all) weight loss failures are caused by eating more than we think. The body loves homeostasis. Without intentionality, food consumption may just move inside your eating window.

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Categories: lose weight snack intermittent fasting calories sugar sleep muscle alcohol weight loss eating window