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Dores 12/12 work to begin fasting?

I’ve never done fasting intentionally in my life, (only when I’m in a hurry and skip breakfast). I’ve noticed that I can wake up better and faster when a drink a natural juice (sugar please) so for me it’s kinda hard to skip breakfast. So i would try a 12hrs fasting on the beginning, trying to widen the fasting time gradually, to reach a 16/8 scheme. Would it work?

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I used to think I couldn’t do it also. I would get “hangry” and weak and dizzy. Once I started easing into it I could go longer and longer. Your body gets used to your eating schedule pretty quickly. If you get used to 16/8 it’s not hard to go 18/6 from there and so on…This is exactly how I started. I would just try to eat a little bit later everyday with a hard cutoff time at night. My longest fast so far was 192 hours before I broke. I ate for one day then did another fast for 120 hours. Get started slowly. Ease into it, but don’t put limits on yourself. You will be surprised what you can do if you train for it. Fasting and dieting are just like weight lifting and other sports. You need to build your strength for it before you are good at it.

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