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Down 8lbs but it feels like nothing is happening?

So I’ve gone from 218 to 210 in about 5 weeks time. I’m 5 ft 7in. But I don’t feel any thinner, my face doesn’t seem to be slimming, just nothing seems to be happening. Some clothes are a little looser. I guess I don’t know what I was expecting. I know the more weight you have, the more it will take to make a visible difference. I just thought around that 8-10 mark I would see something. Maybe I’m just being doubtful. I thought my scale was wrong for a while, but my hubby weighed himself when I was 218, and a few times since and he’s had no change (he’s not dieting). So the scale has to be right. I am just being impatient lol.

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I’ve dropped about 12, 13 pounds since August (most of it before I started fasting mind you), and it’s not overly noticeable. I’m also 5’7”, SW 169lbs, CW 156lbs. I am guessing I’ve been eliminating visceral fat, I sure hope so anyway, as opposed to a lot of subcutaneous fat. I suppose that will come in time. That’s aesthetics; the other stuff is definitely more important to lose. And that’s probably what you’re burning: visceral fat and some water weight. My guess only.


I started a month ago and have since learned about Non Scale Victories, and I keep a list of all the good changes not reflected on the scale. I also measured so I know where I’ve lost inches, even though I’ve only lost a few pounds. The weight will drop, but I’m certain we have been so conditioned to mark our progress by the scale. So I try to weigh infrequently and just concentrate on how much better I feel, how I sleep better and don’t have hunger ruling my life. It’s a major change in thinking, but I want to encourage you to stick with it. It’s an investment in your health, and I can’t think of anything more valuable.


I am in a similar situation. I’m down about 13 lbs in a month, and I can’t tell a difference in how I look, but I suspect I’ve lost some weight in my boobs. I feel like this is the first place women lose it from.


The differences come first in your girth. The very first weight to go is held water, but the first fat to go is visceral fat. The fat that’s globbing between your guts.
It’s hard to tell because you are your harshest critic. Measurements of your trouble areas can show you tangible results that are hard to ignore.

It’s still a patience game though. Keep doing it, keep learning the discipline and eventually you’ll start to see things that are undeniable about your reflection

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