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Downsides of low carb diet?

It is easy to maintain a lean physique while eating low carb, high fat, and high protein diet or keto. What are the downside of getting most of you calories from fat and protein and essentially neglecting carbohydrates?

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I got the keto rash. It doesn’t happen to everyone or even most people, but it’s real and it doesn’t go away until you eat carbs again. So I’m never doing keto again.

Keto is like all diets, where you’re creating a calorie deficit. If it works for you, cool. Most people aren’t able to stick to it long term.


A few possible drawbacks:

  1. People eating diets low in carbs often neglect to eat enough fibre
  2. High saturated fat intake is associated with some chronic Illnesses like cancers and heart disease (when combined with fibre low intake)
  3. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred fuel source, so many people find a decrease in performance when carbs are low

Low carb is a great way for many people to maintain a healthy body composition which is one of the most important aspects of health. If low carb allows someone to maintain a healthy physique, it should be encouraged. Find ways to increase fibre intake, and monitor your sense of well-being and you’ll be fine


One thing I haven’t seen mentioned is that carbs are less calorically dense than fats…so you could eat 100 grams of carbs for about 400 calories while the same amount of fat would cost you 900. Less volume of food


constipation (combined with sudden diarrhea and sharts)

high chance of elevated LDL and triglycerides

quite expensive

unnecessarily restrictive (can be stressful if you like the foods you’re cutting out)

unnecessary pressure on kidneys due to high water and electrolytes intake

bad breath

occasional dizziness or brain fog

loss of stamina and endurance

not sustainable for most people in long term


Hey hey, 2years really low carb here. Only downsides ive experienced are social (cant share food like pizza and snacks with friends and family). And also adaptation period is rough too, so if you wanna do it, be prepared for a few months of changes in your body. But overall benefits outweigh the negatives and I’ll never go back to eating carbs for sure :)


Failure to supplement all necessary vitamins and minerals can lead to severe mental health breakdowns while on this diet (in my experience). It was great for losing 80lbs in a year with no exercise whatsoever - horrible at keeping it off when reintroducing anything I’d deprived myself for that year (fruits, vegetables, grains in the most moderate amounts).

If you enjoy eating a variety of things: don’t do keto/low carb.

If you enjoy cooking as an art form/means of expression/creativity: don’t do keto/low carb.

If you don’t have a firm grasp on the different vitamins, minerals, supplements you’d need to take to function well when cutting out entire food groups: don’t do keto/low carb.

I did low carb for a year, lost 80lbs. I was so depressed on a daily basis I could never enjoy the progress. I stopped enjoying cooking because there’s only so many ways you can prepare the same ingredients and expect different tasting results. I stopped enjoying eating because it all tasted identical after a point - it was fuel to keep me alive, nothing more, and I hated every bite I had to take. I dreaded meal times, dreaded snacks; I drank pot after pot of tea and coffee day after day because it staved off hunger and gave me enough mental boost to get through the day (I legitimately could not function if I ran out, forgot it, etc). I missed out on shared meals with friends and family because of vegetables, fruits, grains, sugars somewhere in the dishes offered; I couldn’t celebrate special occasions because I was doing low carb.

If you don’t love tf out of meat, eggs, certain cheeses, and eating only minimal vegetables - don’t do keto/low carb.

After a year doing low carb I decided I was thoroughly done with it and had a slice of pizza, crust and all, with a friend - I had a panic attack after swallowing my first bite. That was the moment of clarity where I realized just how bad this diet was for me personally; it’s probably great if done correctly and you’re someone who can enjoy eating meat day in and day out, but that wasn’t my experience. I can’t recommend low carb/keto any more readily than I could veganism - you have to do your research and know what you’re getting yourself into before you go into it. Don’t tackle it half cocked, don’t go in if you know you need variety in your life, don’t do it if your intent is to do it til you reach a goal then resume previous eating patterns - if you don’t stick to it long term, the weight will come back as soon as you stop maintaining.

Despite how much I lost on it - I will never do an extreme exclusion diet again; it was too much strain on my mental health, I legitimately hated existing while doing low carb/keto. I regained all 80lbs in the same time it took to lose it; I’m much happier doing my own thing which is a more drawn out routine of vegetarian 5 days per week and meat two to three days as desired.


No downside here in six years, just ever increasing good health. “Low Carb” means different things in different studies or people. I shoot for zero carbs with anything that is essentially sugar. But allow non starchy vegetables, black beans, salads, tomatoes & add specific fibers for bacteria. My body cranks out plenty of glucose when needed. And since I don’t run on sugar & high insulin, my body uses fat stores when needed. Glucose & hormone levels well regulated, mind focused, energy high & emotions stable. I believe that Dr Tim Noakes MD, the former marathon runner who developed diabetes later in life, is writing a new book including studies & research related to using fat for fuel instead of sugar in elite athletes. In a recent interview his eyes were twinkling & he said he couldn’t let the cat out of the bag, but that fat burners could perform better after hitting the wall than those that carb loaded & relied more on glucagon & glucose stores. By now we should all be in agreement that sugar & modern processed food does not build ideal health, & that carbs as pushed for decades by Government & BigFood, even BigMed, was all bull crap. https://u.osu.edu/ketodiet/speaker-bios/tim-noakes-md-phd/


From 2 MDs here“What are the Disadvantages of Low Carbohydrate Diet?Low carbohydrate diets do more harm than good to the body. Losing weight is an obsession and needs to be done in a controlled and healthy manner. It might take time but does not put its toll on the body.

Low carb diets have the following harmful effects on the body-

Aggravate and/or even cause goutKidney stonesRise in cholesterol levelsHeart ailmentsOsteoporosisLoss in muscle tissuePoor exercise capacity

Cutting down carbs suddenly and drastically can lead to temporary health problems like-

HeadacheDizzinessWeakness (due to nutritional deficiency)FatigueConstipation (as the diet is deficient in fiber)In the long run, following a low carbohydrate diet and eating large amounts of fat and protein from animal sources increases the risk of heart disease and cancer.”


Carbohydrates are essential to human diet. The issue is most people get them from the wrong foods. Veggies are your best carbs. The trick is to eat a healthy balance between the healthy carbs (veggies) protein (meat, fish, egg, etc.) healthy fats ( nuts, avocado, etc.) all in the same meal. Your healthiest foods at the grocery store line the walls of the stores. The isles are 90% crap foods. Hope this helps people of Reddit.


I know for me, I’ve been moving to more moderate carb after out of nowhere dealing with pretty bad constipation issues. With less carbs I’ve been eating a lot more fat and protein which is fine, but the fat without the carbs and fiber definitely hasn’t been helping the bowel issues. Sure I lost weight, but I think at this point my body actually needs a few extra pounds. Not to say it’s like that for everyone, I just am not my healthiest doing low carb!


Lots of alcohol is out of the question, and due to dehydration hangovers if you decide to drink will be worse.

Some people are commenting about getting gallstones etc, but I would like to point out that you can be in ketosis, and therefore doing keto without actually eating tons of fat.

I usually eat green vegetables/brassicas with a little melted butter or olive oil and a serving of protein.

Think of macro amounts like this:

Net* Carbs - LimitProtein - GoalFat - the Lever for your calorie intake


Simply put : super unhealthy. There are three groups called essential nutrients. They are called these because your body NEEDS you to provide them. They are in no particular order, proteins, fats and CARBOHYDRATES. In addition to being necessary on their own merit, they need each other to fully and completely nourish the body.So when you leave any 1 out, what do you think will happen?

The designation essential nutrient and their interconnected relationships are well-established and verified by the medical nutrition community, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Registered Dietitian/Nutritionists and qualified nutrition practitioners.


For women of menstruating age, carbs are essential for an optimised hormonal cycle. Low carb leads to low hormone levels for women, which diminishes motivation, mood, energy, and a whole host of bodily functions!


Cardiomyopathy doesn’t get mentioned enough in regards to Keto. Kidney hyperfiltration either. Or Afib. Or stiffening of thr arteries.

Keto is just horrible for a person.

Keto is one of the biggest dietary hoaxes to ever happen.


For me as a T2 diabetic low carb has been a blessing but it is not without it downsides. I’m not doing it to lose weight as I have none to lose. My version is sort of a keto-lite, paleo, Mediterranean hybrid. I definitely need some supplements to correct what my diet is missing. I need to make sure I eat enough to get enough calories to maintain my weight, or even gain a bit. If I slip up and neglect tending to those things I feel lousy. I get comprehensive blood labs every 3 months just to make sure nothing is out of wack as there are a few things that could be. Many are actually better than before I started.

I’ve never really cared about what food tasted like so it is only occasionally that I want something I can’t have. This is not an eating plan for everyone and there are definitely ways to blow it up and make things worse. It takes work but avoiding medication is worth it for me.


There are massive downsides. 30% higher risk of death from all-causes.

Low-carbohydrate diets and all-cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies

These diets are basically a metabolic gamble. People who are already overweight and are metabolically dysfunctional are putting massive additional stress on their already stressed systems, for the sake of fast, superficial weight-loss.


Preface this by saying that keto appears to be the ONLY way I can lose weight in my late 30s, now 40s and I love the physical effects it gives me…

But it’s just too restrictive for me in my day to day life. Yes, in a perfect world, I control all of my food choices and meal prep every siiiiingle weekend and take my own Tupperware meals into work meetings and maneuver with ease around the carbs at restaurants and my entire family eats low carb with me. But that’s just not my reality. I work 50 hours a week, a lot of it out of the home, and it just ended up being not practical for an on-the-go life.


  1. You have to avoid the addictive sugary/carby/processed foods and most people like feeding their addictions.

  2. Too satiating. Most people like eating 5+ meals per day instead of just 1-2.

  3. Being fat is cool these days. It’s 2022.

  4. Living too long is bad for the environment.


+Better and more stable energy
+Less hunger+Less and better sleep
+Better focus
+More free time
+Year-round form
+The biggest advantage for me is that when you wake up in the morning, you are awake right away. You can start doing something right away.I usually sleep 3-5 hours and I’m completely ready all day. Before keto, I slept 8-9 hours a day and was tired. Now, if I occasionally have carbohydrates, I’m tired again in the morning and I have to sleep more.+And much more

-For the first couple of months, less pumping of the muscle (but this will return in time)-For the first few weeks/months, the performance in the gym is reduced.
-You need to watch your electrolytes more.
-Slower muscle gain.
-Social life

There are several types of keto STK, TKD, CKD. The last 2 options allow carbohydrates

If someone is tired on Keto, has a headache etc, it is mostly due to Keto Flu, because they have an electrolyte deficiency.

The first couple of weeks/months are difficult for someone, before the body becomes FAT ADAPTED.

People mostly compare carbs diet and keto diet in terms of performance.But it is a terrible difference to compare a person on keto for 1 month and a person who is already FAT ADAPTED.

I was a big hater of keto diet, but then I tried it and after 3-4 months I started to feel the best in my life.

Before the competition, I always did a low carb cut, I was exhausted, tired and everything else.Now I feel completely fine in keto, I don’t know the difference between a 500 kcal or 1 kcal deficit. Still full of energy.

U can look at r/keto and r/ketogains


I think we can’t really address the downsides without being more specific about what’s being eaten. For me, eating low carb just means I don’t eat sugar and super starchy things. A good 85% of my diet is things like spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. I eat a fairly limited amount of red meat, and get more of my protein from pasture raised eggs and grassfed cheese. This can’t be compared to someone eating a ton of bacon and cured meats, and other highly processed foods with no veggies.


Less flexibility and more restriction, dietary speaking, lower overall diet compliance.

Any high-protein diet will achieve your muscle and physique goals. Keto is not necessary or superior in this regard.

Maybe it will be a little harder to get your micro’s in, as your carb intake will be limited.


It becomes harder to build muscle. Muscles burn glycogen, which comes from glucose. On keto, your body will still be able to generate glycogen via neoglucogenesis, but it’s a relatively slow process (slower than just using glucose directly), and as a result strength training workouts will have to be shorter and less intense. Many keto advocates advise splitting your strength training workout into shorter sessions throughout the day for this reason, but now it is less efficient because you have to warm up multiple times. Even with shorter workouts, I subjectively self-report that strength training on keto subjectively feels a lot harder than with carbs.


Hitting ketosis sucks. Near sweats, no energy. It doesn’t last long but it is uncomfortable. Also, chance of gallstones or kidney stones from overloaded those organs to break down protein. Keto diet also tends to be really low in good fiber if you aren’t supplementing so digestive issues can happen


First start with eliminating gluten completely then you’ll see the many benefits that come along ( no more bloated feeling / no gas / no brain fog / reduced inflammation)

Add on: when eliminating gluten you also reduce your intake of sugar drastically due to baked goods and sweets


Carbs are the fuel of your body. The major downside of not eating them is constant cravings. Eat carbs, just choose those high in fiber that fill you up. And those that are less calorie dense. Potatoes are an awesome staple that get a bad rap because they are often served either fried or covered in cheese (fat). But potatoes have a lot of protein, fiber, and fuel; have dozens of ways to be prepared; are relatively inexpensive; and they are very healthy.


I found the weight loss nice, and it helped me realize that grains/oatmeal may have been giving me slight eczema, but it messed my period up for the whole duration. It became too long, and as someone who was recovering from severe IDA from an ed before - I didn’t want to take risks with that.

Atm I have a diet where I eat every part of the food pyramid (mostly veg/fruit, then protein, fat leveraged around protein kept that from keto - then carbs from wherever - usually whole sources but sometimes bread and rice. Dairy as well) and my cycle shortened back to a normal range (27-29 days, average 28 down from 30-34) and my period ends when it should. As a plus, the combination of more fruits (berries/cherries/avocado/melons/bananas on occasion, etc. carby sugary ones included) and veg in my smoothies and as sides helped my cramps reduce from a 6-8 down to a 2 maximum. I haven’t taken a painkiller for my period since I started doing this so, I must say there is definitely an effect on hormones and it’s possible that phytonutrients/antioxidants had a part in the huge pain redux. Something something anti-inflammatory something something. I’ve also heard a small amount of carbs helps with hormone regulation in women - not sure of the mechanisms behind that statement, but it’s true for me. Something about pituitary hormones I think it was, but don’t quote me on it.

This is my experience personally, and I’ve kept health/weight results just as easily bc the food I eat is still really nutritious - it just comes from more sources now. After a period of weighing foods I can eyeball something closer to a serving, and stop when I’m finished because despite the menstrual issues - low carb/keto helped regulate my hunger hormones. With that being said however, I like this a lot better than keto - and feel better. Those were my upsides/downsides and i didn’t think they were worth it.


My LDL were high and so my doc almost put me on cholesterol medications

I also want to add that I also tested with high levels of thyroid function due to fasting and not getting my blood tested til 3pm. The next time i did it i had stopped keto and did the blood test in the morning my ldl has been better and my thyroid was normal.

I now eat low dairy, low carb but still eat sporuted grains and brown rice etc. Lift weights 2 to 3 times a week and it really helped my results in my blood so i know i am physically healthier on the inside than when i did keto and fasting.


Some people feel great. Others complain of fatigue, irritability, hunger/cravings, loss of athletic performance.

The other thing to look out for is skyrocketing LDL cholesterol. It doesn’t happen to everyone, but if it occurs it may be advisable to switch to unsaturated fat sources (fish, nuts, olive oil) and leaner protein sources.


When I attempted I wasn’t eating much fruit (I went from lots of fresh fruit to low amount) and had the WORST period of my life. I realized I “ketoed” myself. My body needed fresh berries and foods that helped me live my best. I dropped keto and went back to a balanced diet as having terrible periods was unbearable.

Just my short experience. I’m no expert on keto as I couldn’t swing it.


No or low carb leaves me with low energy and very irritable. But, I do end up looking like I’ve lost 10 lbs after just a day or two.

I end up binging out on a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream on the weekends because I’m so strict during the week. That’s another down side.

Balance…I guess.


I feel hungry and predatory all the time. I get a super short fuse and my goto thought on how to deal with people problems is “kill them and eat them”.

Just want to be clear I have never killed and eaten anyone, it’s just the thought that goes through my head when I eat like that for an extended period.


If you’re aiming for weight loss a low carb diet can be helpful in the short term. May not be your best option long term. Exercise (specifically weight training) and diet combined has consistently been identified as the best method for weight loss. Neglecting carb intake long term will leave you drained much earlier on in workouts preventing you going at max intensity.


You will miss all the vitamins and minerals that can be found in carb rich food. Not that it’s impossible to hit the RDA-s, but it will be harder and you may need to resort to supplements (and it’s always best to get your micros naturally).


As far as calories, it varies by person. If you won’t feel satisfied eating keto, it’s possible you could end up binging. I tried keto as someone who loves running and instead of eating a reasonable amount of bananas, oats, potatoes (the healthy carbs I love lol) I binge ate a frozen sheet pan of keto peanut brittle in the middle of the night. It works for some people but I felt restricted/unwell on that diet. It just couldn’t sustain my activity level. That being said, I’m sure there are keto runners who will disagree with me.

The only time in my life I ever felt compelled to binge eat/binged was when I restricted carbs.

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