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Dr. Michael Greger gets fact-checked by Nutrition Made Simple


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Most of Dr. Gregor’s research on plant based benefits are quite legit. He does have a tendency to pick and choose studies when it comes to animal foods, like others said the studies about benefits of fish for instance.

I would generally say, almost every single resource for health should be taken with a grain of salt… for true education we are best benefited looking at multiple sources (credible sources, Dr. Gregor is still credible) and make a sensible call from all we see.


Afaik he is not a source, and didnt claim to be one. He is basicly doing literature journalism, he reads papers.

I dont know if he did those weird videos where people debate about opinions and stuff, i just didnt see any.

Yeah he’s basicly a “paper reader”, imo his voice is ugly but that would be a cherry picking on my end as theres not much such literature journalists on yt. People on yt, those diet gurus are trying to create their own movement based on a popular idea and its kinda not science-related thing, rather a magazine.


Michael Greger and a lot of the other low fat whole plant types have always said some goofy shit lol.

Veganism is an ethical position. It’s correct in my view. But plenty of animal products tend to associate with good health outcomes (e.g. fish and some types of dairy). I’m not about to say certain foods are unhealthy without evidence just because it would be convenient for my ethics (which is what Greger sometimes seems to do). In fact IIRC, in the Adventist studies, the pescatarians actually did marginally better than the vegans in terms of health outcomes.


Greger cherry-picks a lot of shit and overblows studies that he believes parrot his bias toward veganism constantly. It’s the same as the one vegan cardiologist that stated a vegan diet and nothing else would reverse clogged arteries, meanwhile ignoring the studies that show losing weight and exercising have a similar effect regardless of following a plant-based diet. He does do decent research. His breakdowns on beets especially has helped me and my mom get our blood pressure down a lot without the need of blood pressure medicine and now that I’m healthy I don’t need any meds. Greger is the classic example of why any of these guys who have an inherent religious bias to a certain diet should not be having influences on dietary information. But this video isn’t really new. Poeple have for years fact-checked his books and his claims. I do think his advice is tame compared to the hardcore vegan fruitorves and the dudes that think eating vegan foods is better than chemotherapy.


I think this was a bad video all around. The two people debating are ridiculous, the host of the television program doesn’t seem to understand much about what’s going on. The YouTube host, while I think he is by far the most intelligent of the group, adds in assumptions and/or guesses as to what the people in the video are discussing, where they are getting their info, etc.

I think the “nutrition made simple” guy has some other videos that are good, but in this one, they all seem a tad goofy. At least to me.


Big Dr Greger fan here. I have never heard of Nutrition Made Simple but I really like his break down of this debate and will follow him in the future. I really like Nutrition Made Simple for a lot of the same reasons I like Dr Greger, he clearly lists his sources for any claims he is making, he explains very clearly what constitutes a good study vs. a weak or flat out bad study, he clearly explains other factors that could undermine specific claims etc.

My biggest problem with this particular video is that it feels a little bit like he looked for the most damning possible video of Dr Gerger and chose to break that down. This was not a good debate for Dr Greger which is probably mostly a result of the format of the debate, but he did not perform well regardless. I would love to see more breakdowns of Dr Greger’s work since in my opinion he is an intelligent guy with a good understanding of nutrition science, but he also pretty clearly has a stance and sticks to it despite the fact that he may not be totally correct.

Basically this video turned me on to Nutrition Made Simple more than it turned me off of Dr Greger. Since I think hearing from multiple credible sources is really important, and learning how to spot uncredible claims/sources, I think this video was really good for me personally.

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