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Drinking Diet/0 Cal Beverages During Fasted State?

Hello r/intermittentfasting !

I’m a regular faster, though I don’t have a locked number I try to aim for every day. I usually average between 14 - 20 hour fasts. Sometimes 12 if it’s a stressful day. Have had great success with it since 2021!

I was wondering who here uses diet drinks between fasts, and how they find the results vs without (for weight loss)?

I try to stick to aspartame only diet beverages because I know the stuff in bottles and soda cans isn’t bulked with maltodextrin so it shouldn’t trigger insulin. I’ve personally found decent success using it, but I wanted to know how other people have gotten on using diet beverages. It seems like there’s still so much research to be done in this area of weight loss benefits for IF.

Tangentially related, I haven’t researched other sweeteners outside of splenda, aspartame and erythritol for insulin triggering. So far the consensus is as long as there’s no maltodextrin bulking the powdered varieties, those sweeteners are fine. I’m also curious about potassium based sweeteners and insulin.

Anyways, let me know how it’s been for you guys out there drinking diet drinks between fasts! Or tell me why you don’t/or if you stopped for whatever reason! Thanks everyone!

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Well I’m not sure if it’s scientific or not to be honest but I believe the idea that your digestive system is triggered by anything but water. So even tea and coffee is only during my eating window for me.


Honestly none of it is good for you. I’m not saying it’s not tasty, but it’s garbage. And, it turns out some people do have an insulin response to anything flavored or with a sweet taste. I stick to black coffee, black tea and water during my fast and enjoy other types of beverages during my feeding window.

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