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Dry fasting after drug and alcohol consumption

Hello. I want to ask when it’s a good time to start dry fasting after a weekend binge of hard drugs (MDMA and Cocaine) and alchol. I’m not a regular user these days since I started my own business and I have to be more clear headed.


I am 25 years old and have done done mutiple 2-6 day water fasts and several 2-4 dry fasts.


Just for curiosity I might want to know when it’s more safe to start fasting again. Of course, after this unhealthy binge I am drinking water and replenish my organism with vitamins and healthy foods.


However, I am afraid that dry fasting could overstress organism too much if I start too soon.


What are your opinions?



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I would not

I takes several days to recover even if you eat well. But it depends on your overall health. Recently I’ve begun pairing fasting with peptides and are using BPC-157 right now. A healing peptile like that one could help.

But its not optimal to drink before fasting.

However, I’ve noticed that my responses to alcohol has changed since I began fasting for 5 or more days. Particularly now when I mostly dry fast. I dont really get hungover anymore. Last time I got extremely drunk I seemed to sweat it out during the night and woke up completely sober without a hangover. Just a rather wet blanket. I also have a higher tolerance for alcohol despite only drinking a couple of times per year. My guess is that there simply is less shit in my body to deal with on a day to day basis so its easier to handle toxins like alcohol nowadays.

Alcohol is also a great way to get fat. Its up there with sugar and lactose.

So whatever you do it will be a guess. I’d err on the safe side and either drink less or not at all.

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